04 God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert

“We do not know-their actual plan, only its general timing.” “What if this girl, this Siona, has a part in it?” Luyseyal asked. “I have asked myself that same question. Have you heard the full report from the Guild?” “Only the summary. Is that enough?” “Yes, with high probability.” “You should be careful with terms such as high probability,” Luyseyal said. “We don’t want anyone thinking you’re a Mentat.” Anteac’s tone was dry. ” presume you will not give me away.” “Do you think the Guild is right about this Siona’?” Luyseyal asked. “I do not have enough information. If they are right, she is something extraordinary.” “As the Lord Leto’s father was extraordinary?” “A Guild navigator could conceal himself from the oracular eye of the Lord Leto’s father.” “But not from the Lord Leto.” “I have read the full Guild report with care. She does not so much conceal herself and the actions around her as, well . . .” “She fades,” they said. “She fades from their sight.” “She alone,” Anteac said. “And from the sight of the Lord Leto as well?” “They do not know.” “Do we dare make contact with her?” “Do we dare not?” Anteac asked. “This all may be moot if the Tleilaxu . . . Anteac, we should at least make the attempt to warn him.” “We have no communications devices and there now are Fish Speaker guards at the door. They permit our people to enter, but not to leave.” “Should we speak to one of them’?” “I have thought about that. We can always say we feared they were Face Dancer substitutes.” “Guards at the door,” Luyseyal muttered. “Is it possible that he knows?” “Anything is possible.” “With the Lord Leto that’s the only thing you can say for sure,” Luyseyal said. Anteac permitted herself a small sigh as she lifted herself

from the stool. “How I long for the old days when we had all of the spice we could ever need.” “Ever was just another illusion,” Luyseyal said. “I hope we have learned our lesson well, no matter how the Tleilaxu make out today.” “They will do it clumsily whatever the outcome,” Anteac grumbled. “Gods! There are no good assassins to be found anymore.” “There are always the ghola Idahos,” Luyseyal said. “What did you say?” Anteac stared at her companion. “There are always. . .” “Yes!” “The gholas are too slow in the body,” Luyseyal said. “But not in the head.” “What’re you thinking?” “Is it possible that the Tleilaxu . . . No, not even they could be that. . .” “An Idaho Face Dancer?” Luyseyal whispered. Anteac nodded mutely. “Put it out of your mind,” Luyseyal said. “They could not be that stupid.” “That’s a dangerous judgment to make about Tleilaxu,” Anteac said. “We must prepare ourselves for the worst. Get one of those Fish Speaker guards in here!”

=== Unceasing warfare gives rise to its own social conditions which have been similar in all epochs. People enter a permanent state of alertness to ward off attacks. You seethe absolute rule of the autocrat. All new things become dangerous frontier districts-new planets, new economic areas to exploit, new ideas or new devices, visitors-everything suspect. Feudalism takes firm hold, sometimes disguised as a politbureau or similar structure, but always present. Hereditary succession follows the lines of power. The blood of the powerful dominates. The vice regents of heaven or their equivalent apportion the wealth. And their know they must control inheritance or slowly let the power melt away. Now, do you understand Leto’s Peace?

-The Stolen Journals

“HAVE THE Bene Gesserit been informed of the new schedule?” Leto asked.

His entourage had entered the first shallow cut which would wind into switchbacks at the approach to the bridge across the Idaho River. The sun stood at the morning’s first quarter and a few courtiers were shedding cloaks. Idaho walked with a small troop of Fish Speakers at the left flank, his uniform beginning to show traces of dust and perspiration. Walking and trotting at the speed of a Royal peregrination was hard work.

Moneo stumbled and caught himself. “They have been informed, Lord.” The change of schedule had not been easy, but

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