04 God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert

=== I am both father and mother to my people. I have known the ecstasy of birth and the ecstasy of death and I know the patterns that you must team. Have I not wandered intoxicated through the universe of shapes? Yes! I have seen you outlined in light. That universe which you say you see and feel, that universe is my dream. My energies focus upon it and I am in any realm and every realm. Thus, you are born.

-The Stolen Journals

“My FISH SPEAKERS tell me that you went to the Citadel immediately after Siaynoq,” Leto said.

He stared accusingly at Idaho, who stood near where Hwi had sat only an hour ago. Such a small passage of time-yet Leto felt the emptiness as centuries.

“I needed time to think,” Idaho said. He looked into the shadowy pit where Leto’s cart rested.

“And to talk to Siona?”

“Yes.” Idaho lifted his gaze to Leto’s face.

“But you asked for Moneo,” Leto said.

“Do they report on every movement I make?” Idaho demanded.

“Not every movement.”

“Sometimes people need to be alone.”

“Of course. But do not blame the Fish Speakers for being concerned about you.”

“Siona says she is to be tested!”

“Was that why you asked for Moneo?”

“What is this test?”

“Moneo knows. I presumed that was why you wanted to see him.”

“You presume nothing! You know.”

“Siaynoq has upset you, Duncan. I am sorry.”

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to be me . . . here?”

“The ghola’s lot is not easy,” Leto said. “Some lives are harder than others.”

“I don’t need any juvenile philosophy!”

“What do you need, Duncan?”

“I need to know some things.”

“Such as?”

“I don’t understand any of these people around you! Without showing any surprise about it, Moneo tells me that Siona was part of a rebellion against you. His own daughter!”

“In his day, Moneo too was a rebel.”

“See what I mean? Did you test him, too?”


“Will you test me?”

“I am testing you.”

Idaho glared at him, then: “I don’t understand your government, your Empire, anything. The more I find out, the more I realize that I don’t know what’s going on.”

“How fortunate that you have discovered the way of wisdom,” Leto said.

“What?” Idaho’s baffled outrage raised his voice to a battlefield roar which filled the small room.

Leto smiled. “Duncan, have I not told you that when you think you know something, that is a most perfect barrier against learning?”

“Then tell me what’s going on.”

“My friend Duncan Idaho is acquiring a new habit. He is learning always to look beyond what he thinks he knows.”

“All right, all right.” Idaho nodded his head slowly in time to the words. “Then what’s beyond letting me take part in that Siaynoq thing?”

“I am binding the Fish Speakers to the Commander of my Guard.”

“And I have to fight them off! The escort that took me out to the Citadel wanted to stop for an orgy. And the ones who brought me back here when you…”

“They know how much it pleases me to see children of Duncan Idaho.”

“Damn you! I’m not your stud!” “No need to shout, Duncan.” Idaho took several deep breaths, then: “When I tell them ‘no,’ they act hurt at first and then they treat me like some damned=” he shook his head=`holy man or something.” “Don’t they obey you?” “They don’t question anything . . . unless it’s contrary to your orders. I didn’t want to come back here.” “Yet they brought you.” “You know damned well they won’t disobey you!” “I’m glad you came, Duncan.” “Oh, I can see that!” “The Fish Speakers know how special you are, how fond I am of you, how much I owe you. It’s never a question of obedience and disobedience where you and I are concerned.” “Then what is it a question of?” “Loyalty.,, Idaho fell into pensive silence. “You felt the power of Siaynoq?” Leto asked. “Mumbo jumbo.” “Then why are you disturbed by it?” “Your Fish Speakers aren’t an army, they’re a police force.” “By my name, I assure you that’s not so. Police are inevitably corrupted.” “You tempted me with power,” Idaho accused. “That’s the test, Duncan.” “You don’t trust me?” “I trust your loyalty to the Atreides implicitly, without question.” “Then what’s this talk of corruption and testing?” “You were the one who accused me of having a police force. Police always observe that criminals prosper. It takes a pretty dull policeman to miss the fact that the position of authority is the most prosperous criminal position available.” Idaho wet his lips with his tongue and stared at Leto with obvious puzzlement. “But the moral training of… I mean, the legal . . . the prisons to. . .” “What good are laws and prisons when the breaking of a law is not a sin?” Idaho cocked his head slightly to the right. “Are you trying to tell me that your damned religion is.. .” “Punishment of sins can be quite extravagant.” Idaho hooked a thumb over his shoulder toward the world

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