10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

“Khamwas,” he said gruffly, “come help me with the window.”

Star was curled in the comer of the door alcove, dozing with the Napatan’s cape for a pillow. Khamwas stood in front of her, watching the street as well as the caravan master. He was very slim without the bulk of the outer garment, and his bare chest was no garb for this night.

“I, ah,” he said, looking down at the child. “I thought it would be good if she got some rest, so – – – She’s very like my own daughter, you know.”

“Wish I had more talent for what she needs,” said the caravan master quietly, staring at the child also. “Wish I knew what she needs, what any kid needs. But you do what you can.”

He grimaced again. “Bring ‘er along, will you? I need you at the side to hand me this jack when I’m ready for it”-he fluffed his cloak open to display the tool-“and I don’t want her in plain sight on the street, even though it means getting her up again.”

The sky had closed in above the passage between the two buildings. It was as dark as a narrow cave, and for the time being the air was as motionless as that of a cavern miles below the ground. Samlor found his location by subconscious memory of the six cautious paces which had brought him beneath the window when he could see it.

Samlor climbed to the window by bracing his hands and feet against the closely adjacent buildings. That wasn’t hard, but he almost fell when he bent to take the jack which Khamwas raised to him. He was tired, and it was affecting him.


The window grate might have withstood a battering ram. The screw jack, butted against the stone sash, exerted its pressure sideways across the bars and their frame. The grating crumbled as the Cirdonian inexora- bly levered the jack through it, ignoring what the effort was doing to his fatigued muscles.

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