10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

But Klikitagh refused, covering his mug with a broad palm

“Tired I to sleep Must go, we “

As though taking Jarveena’s consent for granted, he gathered the sword belt he had hung on the back of his chair and rose, extending his hand to help her up also.

She ignored it

A sudden angry flush deepened the color of Klikitagh’s cheeks He said, “You not-“

“I have business to discuss with Melilot,” she cut m “One of the kids will show you to the guest apartment I’ll join you later “

Hastily, for fear of Klikitagh provoking a quarrel that. as surely with Jarveena as with any haughty bladesman of the city, might become a fight, Melilot forced his immense bulk out of his chair.

“That is so, sir,” he confirmed. “But I assure you I shall keep our conversation as brief as may be ” He hesitated, trying to gauge the depth and cause of Klikitagh’s ill temper “If perchance you fear I may trespass on some right of intimacy the lady has, for the time being, granted to yourself, I pray you consider the-ah-visible signs of my incompetence m that regard “

Klikitagh’s face remained blank Melilot realized he was so nervous that out of habit he had used formal, high-flown terms, incomprehensible to this foreigner He made hasty amends

“It is as Jarveena has said My guest apartment is at your disposal During your stay at Sanctuary I look forward to chatting with you about your native country and its script and language, it would be most inter- esting, indeed a positive pleasure, to hear you on the subject Accord- ingly, rather than dismiss you to some flea-ridden tavern like the Vulgar Unicorn, I suggest you make my home your base until you have com- pleted whatever business brings you here Feel free to come and go . . .”

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