11 – Uneasy Alliances by Robert Lynn Asprin

“Daphne!” Prince Kadakithis exclaimed.

“My husband!” said Princess Daphne, and the look she gave him could have frozen the oceans all the way to the Beysa’s homeland. “I heard that you had made a gracious contribution to the evening, so how could I do less?”

She stepped past him and drew out a small velvet bag which she dropped on the table in front of Glisselrand with just enough force to indicate that it contained metal; from the sound of it, gold. Then she looked back at the prince.

“I hope that you enjoyed the evening as much as I did. For now you must excuse me. I have an appointment with Master Rounsnouf, the estimable actor. Then Masters Snegelringe and Rounsnouf and I will be going to the Vulgar Unicorn. It is amazing how much of Sanctuary I never used to see!”

She swept from the room, followed by the other women who had come in with her.

Snegelringe, perceiving that he had been duped, stood motionless while the full import of his actions crashed down on him. “I . . .” he started, but then he stopped, clearly unable to formulate an appropriate apology.

The Beysa laughed.

“Master Snegelringe,” she said, “your imitation of the prince was most enlightening. Only less so than the reason for it which we have just had revealed. But perhaps you might choose another model for the performance you will give tomorrow night.”

“Unless,” said Feltheryn, the plot of the play before him coming clear, “Your Highness would consent to see it in another light!”

The Prince and the Beysa turned to him and Glisselrand clutched his hand.

“While it is true,” he continued, “that the role of Karel is tragic, it is also noble. Karel, like His Highness, spends much of his time in a backward land; so much so that he comes to love its people, even to the point of standing up for them against his father, the King.”

A different tension now came into the room, for the relationship between Prince Kadakithis and his half-brother the late emperor, was well known.

“If it were spoken in the palace that the Prince was pleased with our seeing him in such an heroic light, tonight’s performance could not be taken as an insult by anyone, no matter how it was instigated. In fact, I doubt anyone would believe that it was anything but the best compliment we poor players could offer. More, it is known that Your Highness has supported our efforts, so it might seem that it was with Your Highness’ compliance that we performed the play thus.”

He did not dare say further. The seeds of the idea were planted, it would be up to them to keep them watered. The magic in the plays was subtle, but it might be sufficient to transform the image of the Prince from that of a “kittycat” into that of a tiger.

The Prince and the Beysa looked at one another. The Beysa’s snake slid out of hiding in her sleeve.

Molin Torchholder stalked into the room, his face full of the lightning of the god he worshipped, but before he could speak the Beysa turned to Glisselrand.

“Turn out the pouch the Princess Daphne gave you,” she instructed.

“Daphne?” echoed Molin, clearly outraged.

Glisselrand did as she was bid and dumped the sizable pile of gold coins onto the table.

The Beysa eyed the coins, then reached down to her dress and plucked off several large jewels. Smiling, she placed them on the table next to the gold.

“I believe your next play should be The Queen of Tarts, “she said with consummate modesty, considering that the play was accounted too lascivious to play in many towns. “In case you do not remember, it is the one about the noblewoman who sells herself in the marketplace. I have never seen it, but here, far away from home, I believe I can risk it. These jewels should serve in earnest of the costs.”

“Oh, Your Highness,” said Glisselrand, looking at the jewels. “We could not possibly accept such a gracious donation . . .”

-Now what was she saying? Feltheryn wondered; for at that moment the pain between his ribs began to blot out his thoughts and he was sure that he must immediately slip from consciousness. The Prince and the Beysa might be nobility, but opening night was over and he needed a physician-

“Not unless,” Glisselrand continued, “Your Highness would accept a small token of our thanks.”

Feltheryn understood and plunged back to consciousness, but he was not quick enough. Before he could intervene Glisselrand had pulled out the object she had been knitting, a multicolored tea cozy that would have put the S’danzo to shame for its garishness, and she was proffering it proudly to the Beysa.


Chris Morris

Sunset gilded Sanctuary’s domes and spires as Shawme, the new girl at Myrtis’s Aphrodisia House, sat upright in her backroom bed. Fists clenched, she took deep breaths, shaking off her bad dream.

Her blue eyes wide, she stared hungrily out the window, at the sunset to which she woke, at the window frame itself, at the whitewashed walls of her little room. The room was plain by Aphrodisia House standards, but not by Shawme’s. The room had a real window with glass panes; it had a feather bed and clean sheets; it had a writing desk cum dressing table on which were such luxuries as pots of body paint and makeup, kohl and powdered cowrie shell, even a hair brush made from boar bristles, and a bone comb; it had a closet with clothes in it-clean clothes, free from holes, dresses of fine sheer silk and even a coat to keep out the spring chill.

It was a room of unimaginable luxury, high above the street, not like the room in the dream from which Shawme had awakened to flee. In the dream, she’d been back in her old Ratfall burrow, shared with five other orphans, fighting over the raw and bony thigh of a dead cat they’d found in the street. In that dream, the other kids had teased her that all of this was a dream. They’d been sure there was no room for her in the Aphrodisia House, no job among the perfumed women of the evening, no marvelous future unrolling day by day.

In the dream, Shawme had been back in Ratfall where no one had a future and no one had a past, not a chance or a hope. Except Zip. And Zip didn’t pay any mind to the youngsters. You couldn’t matter to Zip until you weren’t a kid anymore . . . until the PFLS found a use for you.

Shawme unballed her clenched fists and rubbed her eyes with her hands. As the dream’s terror fled, joy filled her and crested into exultation. She was really here! She’d made it out of Ratfall!

So all of this was true and real-the down coverlet she pulled up against her naked shoulders, the lavender-scented oil lamp ready to light by her bed as night came on, the beautiful sunset-because even in Sanctuary, the night could be beautiful when you were safe inside the walls of a fine house instead of lurking cold and vulnerable on the streets.

And it was all real because of Zip. Zip had noticed her, all right, when she’d come to him with the treasures she’d found on the Downwind beach. Zip had looked at her with focused eyes for the first time and Shawme’s heart skipped a beat. You couldn’t do any better than Zip. Zip was the fantasy lover of all the young girls in Ratfall and half of Downwind. Zip’s power could shield you, Zip’s connections could get you anything, even out.

In front of Zip, Shawme had bitten her lip and pretended she wasn’t about to swoon. She had to be grown up and impress the PFLS leader for her plan to work. The PFLS-Popular Front for the Liberation of Sanctuary-was working with uptowners now. Zip’s connections were legend in the shanty towns. She’d smiled bravely and said, “I found something -things you’d want. I’ll give them, for a price.”

And he’d let her show him, let her tell him, what she’d found-a bronze rod that turned noble metal to dross, an amulet of uncertain value, a rusted knife whose edge could be coaxed to life. There’d been one other thing she hadn’t shown him, but that was her secret, still.

And the PFLS leader had seemed to be impressed, and said, “What’s your name, girl, and what do you want for these?”

She’d replied, as cool as if she dealt with handsome rebel leaders every day, “I want out of Ratfall. I want a room in the Aphrodisia House. I want to be one of Lady Myrtis’s girls and meet a noble lord and marry well.” Her chin was high, to show she knew the ways of the world and the implications of what she was saying. As she spoke, she ran spread hands down her bodice and over her hips as she’d seen a whore do once, when she was uptown in the Maze where men could afford to buy a woman’s favors and women sold themselves for money rather than having to give themselves for survival.

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