11 – Uneasy Alliances by Robert Lynn Asprin

Markmor and Marype realized the trap too late. They too were stuck. Their mouths and hands stuck to the tankards and their robes stuck to the booth. Even their shoes were stuck to the floor. The master wizard’s eyes seemed twin flames of amethyst. A growl of rage rumbled in his throat.

There was a puff of sulfurous smoke and Rubigo’s tankard clattered onto the wooden floor. An instant later the smoke cleared, revealing the demon standing in the center of the room.

“Nice try, Fat Man. Too bad you didn’t know us demons could jump planes just by thinkin’ ’bout it. Haw-haw! Didn’t nobody never tell ya not to go messin’ wit’ us? Now you gonna die, boy.”

“Are you sure? It seems to me that as long as I have the Theban Talisman you can’t touch me. Suppose I used this axe of mine on you. How do you know it wouldn’t kill you?”

Rubigo paused a moment. Cholly eased out of his chair and slid his dismembering axe from its iron ring on his belt. He drew the Ilbarsi knife with his left hand. He waited, smiling.

“One way to find out,” Rubigo growled, swinging a long arm around to slash at Cholly with green adamantine claws. The hand had three webbed fingers plus a thumb. Cholly ducked easily. The demon was slow. Cholly hacked with the axe.

Rubigo’s hand fell to the floor. For a moment it lay wriggling. It vanished. The demon’s wrist stopped oozing brackish fluid from the severed stump because the hand was back. He had an ugly laugh. Uh-oh, Chollander thought.

Chortling and drooling, Rubigo circled, intending to play with Cholly for a while before killing him. He lashed out with either hand, his claws raking the air around Cholly but not making contact. The gluemaker stayed calm, ducking and blocking, chopping and slashing at every opening. Once he darted in and managed to plant the axe deeply into Rubigo’s chest, only to see the wound heal as soon as he removed the weapon.

Markmor and Marype watched every move of man and monster over the tankard rims.

The hellspawn was wearing the gluemaker down. He was untouched, but he was getting tired and winded. Sweat trickled into his eyes and the salt stung. He slid the Ilbarsi knife into its sheath and shifted the axe to a two-handed grip. He blinked and continued to block and counter and attack. He knew he would have to change tactics before exhaustion caused him to err.

Damn, he thought. I’ve given him enough blows to kill a squad of men. but his fiendish magic heals him every time. If he was mortal I could take him apart.

Cholly smiled.

Changing back to a one-hand grip on the axe, he used his free hand to reach for the talisman. Yanking the chain over his head he said, “That’s enough. This is what you’re after. Take it. I can’t fight any more. Just take the damned thing and leave me alone. I know when I’m beat.”

“That’s more like it, Fatso. Youse is good, butcha ain’t no match for da ol’ demon. Now gimme.”

He caught the medallion in the palm of his webbed hand. Now he was going to kill the fat bald man, since there was nothing to restrain him. He looked over to the wizard and apprentice wizard, holding the bauble aloft and smiling. He looked back just in time to catch a sparkle of light reflecting from the gleaming blade descending. Realization flashed in his beady little eyes just before they rolled back into his head.

Cholly picked up the medallion from the lifeless fingers, returning it back around his neck. Next he placed a foot upon the fiend’s face and worked his axe free from the skull. Slipping the haft through its ring, he sat back down at the table.

“That was thirsty work.” He drew his long knife and placed it between himself and the magicians. He poured himself another goblet of wine and sipped it. He paused long enough to get out his pipe, fill it, and light it from the candle on the table.

He took his time, seemingly ignoring the two prisoners. He would take a puff or two, blow a few smoke rings, and sip at his wine. All the while he kept smiling, sometimes idly playing with the Ilbarsi blade.

“What am I going to do with you?” he said, breaking the tense silence. “If I let you go we’ll be right back where we started, except I’ll know who you are. I’ve got better things to do than play hide-and-seek with your hired flunkies and conjurings. I have to work for my living.

“Have you ever seen glue being made? We start with a body. First we strip it naked and inspect for obvious disease. Next we lop off the hands and cut the throat and hang the body head-down to drain the blood. Are you following this? Oh yes, if the client has a nice head of hair-yours would fetch a pretty price, Marype-we scalp it before we hang it up.”

He paused to pour himself another serving of wine. Markmor looked nervous and Marype was quite pale.

“Then we hack off the arms and legs and dump ’em in a big kettle of scalding water and render them down. We sell the fat to make soap, and dry the bones for firewood.”

Markmor looked nauseous and Marype’s countenance was paler than his hair.

Cholly sipped at his wine, inwardly smiling at achieving the desired reaction. He continued, “Look at it from my point of view. The only way to be sure I’m safe is to get rid of you. My way you can not only remain dead, but serve a useful purpose. I guess you know I don’t like magicians much.

“On the other hand, I could spare your lives. The problem is: how do I know you won’t attack me again? I suppose I could chop off your hands and cut out your tongues. Feet too, so you can’t leam to use them for hands like a beggar I once saw. The eyes, naturally would have to go. Can either of you wiggle your ears? No? I’ll leave them, then.”

Markmor stared at the man, unsure whether he was bluffing. If it were the other way around he knew what he would do.

A combination of beer and fear finally took its toll upon Marype’s bladder. Markmor turned to glance at his apprentice with disgust.

Setting down his goblet, Cholly smiled. “Look on the bright side. You’ll get to wear the Theban Talisman-for a few minutes at least. Isn’t that what you wanted? Look at it from my point of view. Silverlocks here -acting on your behalf-has tried to kill me already. He did kill the fellow who had it before me. This chunk of gold is too powerful to give to the likes of you, and at the same time I have a living to make. I have to have some assurance you won’t bother me again.”

Cholly knocked the dottle from his pipe, refilled it, and took another light from the candle while Markmor reflected upon what he had said.

“Nature calls,” he told his prisoners. “I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t go anywhere,” he snickered, sliding out of the booth. He sheathed the Ilbarsi knife and stepped across Rubigo’s carcass.

Cholly returned several minutes later. Behind him came the big bartender, and behind him a bearded man even bigger, carrying a staff. The last man, largest of the three, was dressed in blue and seemed to radiate power.

The wizards were trying unsuccessfully to escape.

“Nicely done, Cholly. What are you going to do with them?” Strick asked, chuckling,

“I haven’t figured that one out yet. I can’t let them go, but I’d rather not kill them unless I have to. Any ideas?”

“There are a couple of things that could work. First, to a mage knowing someone’s true name gives you power over him.”

“That’s why he wouldn’t tell me the demon’s name.”

“Right. Second, there is only one oath he cannot break: one sworn on his powers. All you have to do is make him tell you his true name and make him swear by it and on his powers to leave you alone. If he breaks that vow, at the very least his powers shall be forfeit for eternity.”

Markmor stared at the stranger. Only a magician could have spoken so certainly, yet this man was not known to him. He knew the few remaining Ilsigi mages, and the ones in the Mageguild, and the outsiders like Enas Yorl and Ischade. Whoever this upstart was, there would be a score to settle later.

Ahdio spoke up. “How do you know if he is telling the truth? Wouldn’t it be more likely he’d lie?”

“A good point, my friend. I can be of some assistance there. This staff I carry is not just a walking stick. It is a Staff of Truth. Whoever touches it may not lie and live.”

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