1633 by David Weber & Eric Flint. Part five. Chapter 33, 34, 35, 36

“I don’t disagree,” Oxenstierna replied, with the stubbornness that was the hard-earned right of his unrivaled record of loyalty to Gustavus. “I only argue that you have generals expressly to execute your commands. Lennart here,” he waved at Torstensson, “could just as readily command the defense here while you rally our relief force.”

“No,” Gustavus said, and this time his tone was flat. “I do not undervalue Lennart. But it will be months before any relief force can be mustered for Luebeck, Axel, and you know it. And, even then, if at all possible I would prefer to use them in a counter-attack.” He clenched his heavy fist, almost hissing the next words. “I intend to defeat Richelieu and his allies, not simply beat them off.”

Torstensson, the most pugnacious as well as the youngest of Gustav’s generals, grinned cheerfully. Even Oxenstierna allowed himself a smile.

The king continued. “Any troops we can find immediately must go first to Wismar, to make good the forces I will withdraw from there to reinforce Luebeck, and it will take time to free up more than a few thousand even for that task. Horn is nailed to the Palatinate, keeping watch on Bernhard and the French on the Rhine. Banér and his corps must remain in the south, of course. Neither Maximilian of Bavaria nor Emperor Ferdinand is going to quit simply because we’ve now taken Regensburg.” He took a deep breath, his jaws tightening. “And—curse the lot of them!—Otto Sack and his troops must remain in Magdeburg and the surrounding country to stiffen the spines of my so-called ‘affiliated princes’ in Saxony and Brandenburg. Not to mention—”

He gave Oxenstierna a very sharp glance indeed. “—the need to keep an eye on Wallenstein in Bohemia.”

The chancellor nodded in unwilling—and silent—agreement with his last sentence.

“You know our commitments, Axel,” Gustavus went on. “And so you know it will take many weeks, probably months, to free up sufficient strength to hope to break the siege which will soon begin here. It is for that task, to organize the defense of Wismar and the ultimate relief of Luebeck, that I will use Lennart. And while he sees to that, I will see to the defense here.”

Oxenstierna started to continue the argument, then closed his mouth with a click. He knew his monarch too well, and recognized the futility of attempting to sway him from the decision he had so obviously made.

“Better,” Gustavus told him with a smile. Then he turned to the other officer seated at the table. Karl Gyllenhjelm was an experienced naval commander, and he was obviously unhappy about what he’d been hearing.

“And so we come to you, Karl,” the king said.

“With all due respect, Majesty,” Gyllenhjelm said stiffly, “neither Wismar nor Luebeck are yet under siege. Nor will they be until my squadron has been defeated!”

“Against the Danes by themselves, I would back you without qualm,” Gustavus told him. “But the Danes won’t come alone. They will be accompanied by the French, at the very least; and by the English, as well, unless I miss my guess. You have parity against Christian’s ships. Against the Danes and the forces Richelieu committed to the defeat of the Dutch, you would be outnumbered by more than two to one.” He shook his head. “I will not commit you at such odds. And even if I were willing to,” he admitted honestly, “it would achieve little beyond your heroic death.”

“But I could at least anchor my ships in the Wismar harbor approaches,” Gyllenhjelm protested. “Even as no more than floating batteries, they would take much of the pressure off of the defenses there. Here, so far up the river—” He shook his head. “We would be helpless as rats in a trap at Luebeck, but from Wismar the possibility of a sortie would still exist, and the enemy could never be certain when we might attempt to sever their supply lines!”

“So you might,” Gustavus agreed. “But this is not the only point they will attack, Karl. Think about it. For the first time, the Danes have the full-fledged support of not simply one outside kingdom, but at least two of them—three, if Richelieu has entangled Ferdinand in his webs. And Christian has that support while our main strength is committed to Germany. And scattered from the Rhine to Dresden, at that! Do you truly believe that with that advantage he will restrict himself to attacking only Luebeck and Wismar?”

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Categories: Eric, Flint