1633 by David Weber & Eric Flint. Part seven. Chapter 48, 49

“Good enough. John?”

Simpson drew himself up stiffly. “Mr. President, the Navy is always under your—”

“John! Cut it out, goddamit. Now is not the time for this. I know you will obey orders. That’s not what I asked. Will you—this time—follow me?”

Simpson hesitated and looked away. Then, his lips quirking a little, nodded his head. “Yes, Mike. This time I will. I just hope—”

He shook his head. “Never mind. If you don’t know what you’re doing in a situation like this, I’m damn sure nobody else is even going to come close. So. What do you want?”

Mike’s thoughts had been racing ahead. “First. Did you ever get those fancy uniforms?”

Simpson snorted. “They’re sitting at the tailor’s, still. All made up and—no money to pay for them. You wouldn’t approve the expense, you may recall.”

Mike grinned. Now that he was sure he would be going into combat fully armed—his kind of combat, the kind he understood and knew he was genuinely superb at—he was full of cheer and confidence.

“We’ll fix that, right now.” He drew a small notebook from his shirt pocket, scribbled a few letters on it, signed it, tore the page off and gave it to Simpson. “Here. Have one of your men take that to Abrabanel Bank.” The small building was nearby, since—no fools, they—the Abrabanels made sure they located in the radical district, and close to the U.S. military base. “They’ll issue the funds immediately, with that code. As fast as possible, I want you and all your men in the fanciest dress uniforms you have.”

Simpson passed the sheet over to one of the petty officers who had started gathering around. He didn’t even have to give instructions. The noncom had been listening to the conversation and was already trotting toward the gate. Simpson nodded toward another man, this time one of the German-born commissioned officers.

“You heard, Lieutenant Kelleher. Go to the tailor and make sure the uniforms are ready when the money arrives.” He turned back to Mike. “What next?”

Mike waved his arm, encompassing in the gesture the entire navy yard. “Now, I want you and Nat to turn this whole place into Disneyland. Today the U.S. Navy is going to throw an open house, with all the trimmings. Guided tours, let the kids play on the boats, the whole shot. For the first time, we’re going to let Germany’s people come and see their Navy. The one whose heroes fought alongside the great Hans Richter.”

“Fuck yes!” exclaimed Nat Davis. “That’s a great idea, Mike. For damn sure, all the missing sailors and workers will pour in. And they’ll bring their families with them too, sure as shooting.”

Mike was watching Simpson, expecting an outburst on the subject of security. But, instead, Simpson nodded. Mike had forgotten that Simpson had also run a major factory.

“Yes, I agree. Nothing pleases working men so much as showing off their place of work to their wives and kids. Every time we held an open house in the plant, the place was packed.”

Mike was not surprised. Because it’s the one place where, even in our old world, much less this one, a common man can really feel like a man. Here is where I spend much of my life, wife and children, doing what only real men can do. Here, I am a master of my trade. Screw the suits. They don’t count.

But this was no time for idle thoughts. “Next thing. I need you to pull out the loudspeaker system you set up in the plant. Have some electricians bring everything to the palace. While you’re organizing Disneyland, I’ve got to organize as fine a filibuster as any politician ever pulled off. I’ve got to talk to that crowd—and my own voice just isn’t loud enough or strong enough. Not for a whole day. Won’t surprise me if it turns into a two-day stint. Maybe three. That crowd is pissed.”

“Done.” Simpson started to issue orders to yet another petty officer, but, again, the man was already racing off. By now, the little knot of confused noncoms and junior officers gathered around Mike and Simpson and Torstensson was neither little nor confused. The air of sure command and authority had returned, and if it was centered on their President rather than their admiral, all the better. The confidence of those men was pouring back in like a flood.

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