Forward the Mage by Eric Flint & Richard Roach


“But what?” Her face was like a stone mask.

That night was spent in a frenzy of passion. In the morning, exhausted in body and soul, I packed my belongings. Gwendolyn and I descended from our room to the foyer. Madame Kutumoff was there, holding a satchel, which she extended to me.

“Take this, Benvenuti. Rations for your trip.” She made a wry face. “I know the stuff tastes terrible, but it’ll keep you going.”

When we stepped through the door, we found Wolfgang waiting outside. I was surprised to see him.

“But why are you surprised, dear boy?” He waved his arms about. “You are going to New Sfinctr, aren’t you?”

I hesitated, but Gwendolyn was implacable.

“Yes, he’s going. He’s not happy about it—neither am I—but it’s for the best.”

“Of course he should go!” cried Wolfgang. “You’re absolutely right, Gwendolyn! There’s nothing for him here. Except you, of course. But you’re going to be very, very busy now, aren’t you? Things are going to be getting hot in Grotum soon, oh yes! The Ozarines are going to be making such a fuss.”

He looked at me, grinning from ear to ear.

“So it’s the perfect time for you to make a splash, my boy! New Sfinctr will be a whirl! High society dancing on the edge of the volcano! Oh, it’ll be splendid! You’ll be famous in no time! Oh, yes! Trust me!”

I opened my mouth to speak, found no words.

“And besides,” added the lunatic, “I’m heading that way myself. So I can show you how to get there.”

“Why are you going to New Sfinctr?” asked Gwendolyn.

“Oh, I’m not. I’m going the opposite direction, so it’ll be easy for me to show Benvenuti where to go. The other way from me. I’d love to go to New Sfinctr, mind you. Such a crazy place! But I’ve got to get back to the asylum before they discover that I escaped.”

“You escaped months ago,” I said. “They’re bound to have discovered by now.”

“Oh, yes, certainly. But the captain of the security guard has such a bad memory! He’s probably forgotten all about it.”

Madame Kutumoff laughed. Gwendolyn snorted.

“But I’ve still got to get back. You never know—he might remember any time now! And if he does—” Wolfgang shuddered. “He’s a monster! A brute! He’ll beat me to a pulp! The man has fists like hams!”

“You’re the captain of the security guard, you idiot!” roared Gwendolyn.

“Yes, I know! That’s what’s so terrifying! I know the man well and—believe me!—he’s a sadist! A psychopath! Ought to be locked up himself!”

He reached out a gigantic arm and took me by the shoulder. “So let’s be off!”

I pulled back. “Wait! I’m not—” I turned to Gwendolyn. She was in my arms in a rush. Her embrace was like a python’s. She gave me a quick fierce kiss, and then pushed me away.

“Go, love,” she said, fighting tears. “Go now. Please.”

I was unable to speak. I looked around. Madame Kutumoff seemed distressed. Wolfgang was watching me with a look on his face I couldn’t decipher. Amusement, almost, but there was not a hint of malice in it.

I tried to kiss Gwendolyn again, but she fended me off. Gently, but with that incredible strength.

“No,” she said. “Just go.”

Wolfgang took me by the arm and gently pulled me away. But after I had taken a few steps, I stopped and turned back.

“Wait. I have something for you, Gwendolyn. I’ve been working on it for the last two days. It’s a copy I made of a piece I found in the Mutt. I thought you would like it.”

I dug in my pack and brought out the carving. When I handed it to her, Gwendolyn gazed down at it and gave a little gasp.

She looked up at me, frowning. “I thought you said you’d never met him.”

“Met who?”

She held up the carving. “Him. My brother. That’s who this is.”

“I had no idea. It’s just a carving I made from a piece I found in a shop. Here, I’ll show you.” I pulled forth the original.

“But—what would this be doing in a shop?”

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Categories: Eric, Flint