Sign of chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 10, 11, 12

Sign of chaos. Chapter 10, 11, 12


We hiked back along the hallway to my apartment. When I opened the door and summoned the lights, Nayda did a fast survey of the first room. She froze when she saw my coat rack.

“Queen Jasra!” she said.

“Yep. She had a disagreement with a sorcerer named Mask,” I explained. “Guess who won?”

Nayda raised her left hand and moved it in a slow pattern-behind Jasra’s neck and down her back, across her chest, then downward again. I did not recognize any of the movements she was performing.

“Don’t tell me that you’re a sorceress, too,” I said. “It seems that everyone I run into these days has had some training in the Art.”

“I am not a sorceress,” she answered, “and I’ve had no such training. I have only one trick and it is not sorcery, but I use it for everything.”

“And what is that trick?” I asked.

She ignored the question, then said, “My, she’s certainly tightly bound. The key lies somewhere in the region of her solar plexus. Did you know that?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I understand the spell fully.”

“Why is she here?”

“Partly because I promised her son Rinaldo I’d rescue her from Mask, and partly as an assurance against his good behavior.”

I pushed the door shut and secured it. When I turned back, she was facing me.

“Have you seen him recently?” she said in a conversational tone.

“Yes. Why?”

“Oh, no special reason.”

“I thought we were trying to help each other, “ I said.

“I thought we were looking for my sister. “

“It can wait another minute if you know something special about Rinaldo.”

“I was just curious where he might be right now.”

I turned away and moved to the chest where I keep art supplies. I removed the necessary items and took them to my drawing board. While I was about it, I said, “I don’t know where he is.”

I set up the piece of pasteboard, seated myself and closed my eyes, summoning a mental image of Coral, preliminary to beginning her sketch. Again, I half wondered whether the picture in my mind, along with the appropriate magical endorsement, would be sufficient for contact. But now was not the time to mess around being experimental. I opened my eyes and began to draw. I used the techniques I’d learned in the Courts, which are different yet similar to those employed in Amber. I was qualified to execute them in either fashion, but I’m faster with the style I learned first.

Nayda came over and stood near, watching, not asking whether I minded.

As it was, I did not.

“When did you see him last?” she asked.



“This evening,” I answered.


“He was here earlier.”

“Is he here now?”.

“ No.”

“Where did you last see him?”

“In the forest of Arden. Why?”

“It seams a strange place to part.”

I was working on Coral’s eyebrows.

“We parted under strange circumstances,” I said.

A little more work about the eyes, a bit on the hair…

“Strange? In what way?” she asked.

More color to the cheeks…

“Never mind,” I told her.

“All right,” she said. “It’s probably not that important.”

I decided against rising to that bait, because I was suddenly getting something. As had occasionally happened in the past, my concentration on the Trump as I put the final touches to it was sufficiently intense to reach through and…

“Coral!” I said, as the features moved, perspectives shifted.

“Merlin … ?” she answered. “I … I’m in trouble.”

Oddly, there was no background whatever. Just blackness. I felt Nayda’s hand upon my shoulder.

“Are you all right?” I asked.

“Yes… It’s dark here,” she said. “Very dark.”

Of course. One cannot manipulate Shadow in the absence of light. Or even see to use a Trump.

“That’s where the Pattern sent you?” I asked.

“No,” she answered.

“Take my hand,” I said. “You can tell me about it afterward.”.

I extended my hand and she reached toward it.

“They-“ she began.

And with a stinging flash the contact was broken. I felt Nayda stiffen beside me.

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