McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 15


Fort, Benden, Ista, Igen, Telgar, and High Reaches Weyrs, Present Pass, 3.21.43

“ONE DAY, M’BARAK, and not too distant at that,” Moreta told the slim young weyriing the next morning, “we’ll all have nothing to do but lounge in the sun.”

“I don’t mind conveying, Moreta. It’s such good training for Arith.” Then M’barak averted his eyes and she could see the color staining his neck and cheek. “Pneldril explained to me last night the responsibility of Search dragons and why Arith’s been so discourteous.”

“It isn’t discourtesy, M’barak.”

“Well, it’s not proper dragon behavior and it doesn’t look right for him to be doing such things to people like Lady Oklina.”

“M’barak, she understands, too. And it is an instinct that we want very much to encourage in Arith. He’s a fine sensitive blue, and you’ve been of great assistance to Weyr, hall, and hold! Now, today we must Search first at Benden. The Weyrleaders promised us candidates—”

“Ones who’ve been vaccinated—” M’barak added hastily.

Moreta gripped him by the arm, amused by his conditioned quali-fication. Then they mounted Arith and left Fort Weyr.

‘You are always welcome at Benden,” Levalla said when Moreta

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was ushered into the queen’s weyr, “as long as you arrive without Orlith to plague Tuzuth.” The Benden Weyrwoman cast a sly glance at K’dren. “I trust she is welded to the Hatching Ground.”

“That’s one of the reasons I’m here.” Moreta was alone with K’dren and Levalla since she had been able to recommend to M’barak that he remain in the Bowl with Arith. Both Weyrleaders looked tired and she wished that she did not have to tax their resources further, but there was no way one Weyr could manage to distribute the vaccine.

“Orlith’s a reason for coming here?” K’dren grinned. “Ah, yes, of course. Candidates for your Hatching. Never fear that I will go back on that pledge. There are some promising fosterlings in our caverns. All have now been vaccinated—”

“That’s the other reason I’m here.” Moreta had to blurt out her real mission at the first opportunity he gave her.

K’dren and Levalla heard her out in weary silence, K’dren scratching at his sideburns, Levalla sliding a worry-wood piece through her fingers, its surface smooth from long use.

“What we don’t need is another epidemic. I quite see that,” Levalla said when Moreta had finished outlining the plan. “We didn’t lose that many runnerherds here in the east but I’m sure Lord Shadder would be glad of the vaccine. Imagine Alessan being able to produce it with all he’s been through!”

“I don’t like asking riders to time it, Levalla.”

“Nonsense, K’dren, we’ll only ask those who do it. Only last Turn, Oribeth had to discipline V’mul, and he’s only a brown rider. Bone lazy, the pair of them. You know how brown riders can be, Moreta. And you know perfectly well, K’dren, that M’gent makes time whenever it suits him.”

“Then we’ll put him in charge of the Benden riders assisting the Healer Hall,” K’dren said with a snap of his fingers. “Just the sort of challenge to keep him out of mischief. He was annoyed, you know” —and he winked at Moreta—“that I recovered from the plague so quickly. He enjoyed Leading to Fall. He’ll make Weyrleader soon enough, won’t he, mate?” He cast such a ludicrously suspicious look at his beautiful Levalla that it was obvious he had no anxieties on that score.

Levalla laughed. “As if I had time for any dallying these days.

You’re looking exceedingly well, Moreta. Any injuries in your Weyr from yesterday’s Fall?”

“A few Threadscores and another dislocated shoulder. I’d say that this consolidation puts each wing on its mettle.”

“My thoughts, too,” K’dren said, “but I shall be eternally grateful when we can resume our traditional regions. It isn’t Sh’gall, I’ll have you know—he’s a bloody fine leader; it’s that sour excrescence from Telgar—”

“K’dren …” Levalla spoke in firm remonstrance.

“Moreta’s discreet, but that man …” K’dren balled his fists, setting his jaw as his eyes flashed with antipathy for the Telgar Leader. “He won’t assist in either of your requests, you know, Moreta!”

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