White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 21


Next Day at the Mountain, Cove Hold, and the Southern Hatching Ground, 15.10.21

“I KNOW WHAT was originally conceded to Toric,’ Robinton was saying to the Benden Weyrleaders as they sat drinking klah at Cove Hold.

“To Hold what he had acquired when the Oldtimers left the Southern Weyr,” F’lar amended. “The purist would argue that, as the Oldtimers have not indeed all passed between, Toric may continue to extend his Holding.”

“Or secure the loyalty of others in Holding?” Robinton remarked.

Lessa stared at him, absorbing his meaning. “Was that why he was amenable to settling so many holdless men?” She looked indignant for a moment and then laughed. “Toric is a man we shall have to watch these next Turns. I’d no idea he’d prove so ambitious.”

“Farsighted, too,” Robinton said in a dry tone. “He achieves as much by gratitude as by possession.”

“Gratitude has a tendency to sour,” F’lar said.

“He’s not fool enough to rely on that alone,” Lessa said with a rueful expression then looked about her, puzzled. “Did I see Sharra at all this morning?”

“No, a rider collected her last evening. There’s illness at-oh!” The Harper’s eyes widened to emphasize his surprised dismay. “Now there’s no fool like an old one. It never occurred to me to doubt that message. Yes, he’d use Sharra, and his other sisters. He has several daughters as well to bind men to him. Jaxom will react to this situation, I think.”

“I hope so,” Lessa said with some asperity. “I rather approve of Sharra as a match. If this is not a simple case of his being grateful for her nursing …” She clucked her tongue at the mention of gratitude.

Robinton laughed. “Brekke feels, and so does Menolly, that the attachment is sincere on both sides. I’m delighted you agree. I’ve been daily hoping he would ask me to officiate. Especially in view of today’s reflections. By the way, only it isn’t exactly by the way but to our point, Jaxom went back to Ruatha Hold last evening. He approached Lytol on the subject of his confirmation as Lord Holder.”

“Did he?” F’lar was as pleased as his weyrmate. “Prompted by Sharra? Or by Toric’s not-too-subtle jibing yesterday?”

“I missed far too much not being permitted to go to the Plateau yesterday,” the Harper said irritably. “What jibing?”

The bugling of Ramoth and Mnementh outside effectively prevented further discussion.

“N’ton’s here, with Master Nicat and Wansor,” F’lar said. He turned to Robinton and Lessa as he rose. “Shall we just let matters proceed naturally?”

“That’s usually best,” Robinton said.

Lessa smiled cryptically as she strode toward the door.

N’ton had brought three journeymen miners as well as their Master. F’nor arrived immediately thereafter with Wansor, Benelek and two young apprentices apparently chosen for their generous size. Without waiting for Toric to appear with D’ram, they all went between to the Plateau, landing as close to Nicat’s little mound as possible. Daylight provided the answer to its function-numerals and letters paraded as design across the far end, and rather fascinating animals, large and small and bearing no resemblance to anything walking Pern’s surface, marched across the two long walls.

“A harper’s room, for the very young learning first Teaching Songs and Ballads,” the Harper said, not nearly as disappointed as the others since the building applied to his Craft.

“Well, then,” Benelek added and, turning on his heel, pointed to the mound immediately on the left. “This is where the advanced students would be. If, of course,” he sounded dubious, “the ancients followed a logical sequence and progressed to the right in any circular formation.” He executed a curt bow to the Weyrleaders and the three Craftmasters and, gesturing to one of the apprentices, marched decisively out, picked a shovel from the pile and proceeded to cut the grass from the inner end of the chosen mound.

Lessa, waiting until Benelek was out of hearing, gave way to laughter. “And if the ancients disappoint him, will he bother with any more mysteries?”

“It’s time to unearth my large mound today,” F’lar said, trying to imitate Benelek’s decisiveness as he gestured the others to pick up tools and join him.

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