Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

With my own eyes I saw it, Lord Jamson,’ M’shall said in an unequivocal

tone. And I thought it wise to ask several of the guards to stay in

the Weyr so you may learn what their orders were.

But here, Chalkin complains that you have not accorded him the courtesy

of conveyance.” Jamson frowned.

If you had seen what I have, Lord Jamson, you migh find it hard to

oblige him,’ M’shall said, his face stark.

Really, Jamson, don’t be such a prick,’ Bridgely said, under no similar

restraint of courtesy with his peer. Nerat and Telgar are taking in

refugees as well as Benden. You can speak to any you wish to, to

determine the extent of Chalkin’s perfidy.

I’ll gladly convey you where you wish to go . – – M’shall offered.

I’ve my own Weyr, Jamson said stiffly, if I need transport.

But it’s not the weather to be travelling about in unnecessarily at

all.” Which was true enough, since the High Reaches Hold was cloaked in

snow crusted as hard as ice on the ground.

Agreed,’ said Bridgely, trying hard not to shiver and wondering at

Jamson’s parsimony with fires, or if the heating system in the Hold was

another victim to technological obsolescence. So you will grant that

only a dire need would bring me out, asking you to change your mind

about taking immediate action against Clialkin. People would have

frozen to death on Bitra’s borders last night!” And he pointed

vigorously eastward.

He doesn’t mention that in this,’ Jamson said, peering at the letter on

the table.

Doubtless he’ll circulate a longer letter on that score,’ said Bridgely

with deep irony. But what I saw required me to give aid without any

delay to meditate.” As you know, Lord Jamson,’ M’shall put in, Weyrs

are also autonomous and may withhold services with sufficient

justification. I feel perfectly justified in refusing him basic

courtesies. Come, Bridgely. We’re wasting Lord Jamson’s valuable time.

Good day to you.

Before the astonished High Reaches Holder could respond to such

peremptory behaviour, the two men had left the room.

My word! And I always considered M’shall to be a sensible man.

Thank goodness, G’don is a solid, predictable Weyrleader – One simply

does not impeach a Lord Holder overnight! Not this close to

Threadfall.” Jamson buried his hands more deeply into the sleeves of his

fur-lined jerkin.

Azury was so shocked he did not even comment on M’shall’s dereliction’

of services.

I’d no idea, really,’ he said.

In direct contrast to High Reaches, Southern Boll’s weather was hot

enough for Bridgely to wish he’d worn a lighter shirt.

Although they were well shaded from the morning sun on a porch decorated

by a blooming plant with fragrant pink blossoms tangling in clusters, he

had to open his collar and roll up his sleeves to be comfortable. Azury

had ordered a fruit drink and by the time it came, Bridgely’s throat was

dry enough to appreciate the cool tang.

I know Chalkin’s not exactly. . . reliable, and Azury then grinned

wryly. And I’ve lost sufficient marks in his little games of chance to

wonder about his basic honesty. But.

and he shook his head. A Holder simply doesn’t keep his folk in the

dark about something as critical to their survival as Thread. Does he

really think it won’t come? That we’re all foolish or stupid?” He is

both foolish and stupid,’ Bridgely said. Why else did our ancestors

bio-engineer the dragons? And develop a totally Unique society to

nurture and succour the species, if not for future need?” He glanced at

M’shall who merely raised his eyebrows. It isn’t as if we didn’t have

graphic proof of the existence of Thread, which was part of our

education. Nor tons of records annotating the problem. It’s not

something we thought up to inconvenience Chalkin of Bitra!” Preaching

to the converted, Bridge,’ Azury said. He’s ten times the fool if he

thinks to brace the rest of the planet on this score. But,’ and he

leaned forward on his wicker wood chair which creaked slightly, Holders

can spin great lies . .

And I can spot a whinge and a bitcher as fast as you can, Azury,’ said

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