Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

Then she began to laugh. `Xexo’s a T-8. You could be in and out of his mind before he knew you were there.’ Laria and Thian exchanged thoughtful looks and then began to grin at each other. Thian chuckled and scratched his cheek with a dirty finger. `Old habits suffice when you least expect them.

`You’re not that old, Thian,’ Flavia remarked, thoroughly amused.

Holding the damaged hoseline by each end, Thian could be seen to concentrate on it briefly. Then a second length of similar but brand-new hose appeared.

Laria cheered, then said ruefully, `I suppose it’ll be my job to tell Xexo who messed up his inventory.’ `Leave him a docket. That keeps everything in order.’ The sled was quickly repaired. Kincaid even straightened the ding in the prow. `While we’re about general repairs.’ They were all in good spirits on the way back, Laria giving Thian the drive since she wanted to name the blooms in Flavia’s bouquet of wild flowers.

The first week passed very quickly in all kinds of leisure pursuits that the Talented enjoyed as ordinary people. Laria and Kincaid went to the mixed school the younger Lyons attended to speak to both human and Mrdini students about working on Clarf Although Kincaid begged off Thian and Rojer were also in demand in secondary-level classes, describing their adventures with the two squadrons. With his `Dinis back, Rojer had no trouble taking part, with discreet evasions.

Afterwards they told the dinner table that they might have made the service seem a bit too adventurous for some of the young people.

`Navy is actively recruiting,’ Afra said. `It’s a good career if they don’t fancy staying on here.

Damia smiled fatuously at her mate, knowing the experiences with his own family which had generated such tolerance. What he did not ask his sons was if they had decided which duty they would take on their return to work.

Flavia was included in an evening appearance when the exploration of the Hive ship was discussed with miners and engineers of both species, eager to have first-hand information on the matter. They also wanted to know if the great new long-cruise Nebula-class ship had been completed. Thian wasn’t sure but said he suspected it would soon be launched. Its bulk had been noticeable in the working orbit it maintained about the Phobos Moon Base. No launch date had been mentioned and the disappointment of the men who had supplied the metals to build it was palpable.

`Is it because this planet is so new,’ Flavia asked Damia on the way back to the Lyon home, `that everyone seems so so relaxed with their Talents?’ Damia had to think about her answer. `Well, the Tower is perhaps more important to Aurigaeans since it’s still mainly a mining planet, and so much is imported. Also, even when I was here by myself before my marriage to Afra, I was always accessible.

Our children have grown up with their children mine always ran wild on their ponies – their `Dinis with ours.’ She gave a sigh. `I’ll be sorry to see Aurigae spreading out and losing the closeness we’ve so enjoyed!’ `I’m lucky I’ve had a chance to see it,’ Flavia said, her tone envious.

Damia laid a light finger on Flavia 5 arm. You would be welcome here any time.’ `That is very kind of you.’ Flavia ducked her head so that her expression was obscured.

Don’t! Afra said sternly to his wife.

Really, Afra! As ri I’d ignore protocol with someone we barely know.

Someone I think you `d like to know better.

She could hear the teasing in his mental tone. Kincaid has shown more interest in her than Thian.

Kincaid is not interested in women, Damia. Or hadn’t you caught that?

Damia managed not to gasp in surprise. She was rarely caught out.

And jaria She tried that the day he arrived but she likes him very much. That friendship already means a lot to him.

I must say the choice astonishes me. Surely Dad knew that about him Or’ course he did, but Kincaid’s worth salvaging and jaria `5

so stable that she’d do that and give him a breathing space.

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