A Burlesque Autobiography by Mark Twain

spare your child!”

“What, huzzy! Is this my reward for the august fortune my brain has

wrought for thee? By the bones of my father, this puling sentiment of

thine but ill accords with my humor.

Betake thee to the Duke, instantly! And beware how thou meddlest with my


Let this suffice, of the conversation. It is enough for us to know that

the prayers, the entreaties and the tears of the gentle-natured girl

availed nothing. They nor anything could move the stout old lord of

Klugenstein. And so, at last, with a heavy heart, the daughter saw the

castle gates close behind her, and found herself riding away in the

darkness surrounded by a knightly array of armed, vassals and a brave

following of servants.

The old baron sat silent for many minutes after his daughter’s departure,

and then he turned to his sad wife and said:

“Dame, our matters seem speeding fairly. It is full three months since I

sent the shrewd and handsome Count Detzin on his devilish mission to my

brother’s daughter Constance. If he fail, we are not wholly safe; but if

he do succeed, no power can bar our girl from being Duchess e’en though

ill-fortune should decree she never should be Duke!”

“My heart is full of bodings, yet all may still be well.”

“Tush, woman! Leave the owls to croak. To bed with ye, and dream of

Brandenburgh and grandeur!”



Six days after the occurrences related in the above chapter, the

brilliant capital of the Duchy of Brandenburgh was resplendent with

military pageantry, and noisy with the rejoicings of loyal multitudes;

for Conrad, the young heir to the crown, was come. The old Duke’s, heart

was full of happiness, for Conrad’s handsome person and graceful bearing

had won his love at once. The great halls of tie palace were thronged

with nobles, who welcomed Conrad bravely; and so bright and happy did all

things seem, that he felt his fears and sorrows passing away and giving

place to a comforting contentment.

But in a remote apartment of the palace a scene of a different nature

was, transpiring. By a window stood the Duke’s only child, the Lady

Constance. Her eyes were red and swollen, and full of tears. She was

alone. Presently she fell to weeping anew, and said aloud:

“The villain Detzin is gone–has fled the dukedom! I could not believe

it at first, but alas! it is too true. And I loved him so. I dared to

love him though I knew the Duke my father would never let me wed him.

I loved him–but now I hate him! With all, my soul I hate him! Oh, what

is to become of me! I am lost, lost, lost!. I shall go mad!



Few months drifted by. All men published the praises of the young

Conrad’s government and extolled the wisdom of his judgments, the

mercifulness of his sentences, and the modesty with which he bore himself

in his great office. The old Duke soon gave everything into his hands,

and sat apart and listened with proud satisfaction while his heir

delivered the decrees of the crown from the seat of the premier.

It seemed plain that one so loved and praised and honored of all men

as Conrad was, could not be otherwise than happy. But strange enough,

he was not. For he saw with dismay that the Princess Constance had begun

to love him! The love of, the rest of the world was happy fortune for

him, but this was freighted with danger! And he saw, moreover, that the

delighted Duke had discovered his daughter’s passion likewise, and was

already dreaming of a marriage. Every day somewhat of the deep sadness

that had been in the princess’ face faded away; every day hope and

animation beamed brighter from her eye; and by and by even vagrant smiles

visited the face that had been so troubled.

Conrad was appalled. He bitterly cursed himself for having yielded to

the instinct that had made him seek the companionship of one of his own

sex when he was new and a stranger in the palace–when he was sorrowful

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Categories: Twain, Mark