A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows by Poul Anderson. Chapter 1, 2

vomited. They made her clean the floor. Afterward, when they insisted on

circling close and talking and talking, she screamed at them to leave

her alone, then enforced it with a couple of skilled blows. No

punishment followed. It was dreadful to know that a half-aware

electronic brain watched every pulsebeat of her existence, and no doubt

occasionally a bored human supervisor examined her screen at random. But

seemingly the guardians didn’t mind a fight, if no property was damaged.

She sought her bunk and curled up into herself.

Next morning a matron came for her, took a critical look, and nodded.

“You’ll do,” she said. “Swallow this.” She held forth a pill.

“What’s that?” Kossara crouched back.

“A euphoriac. You want to be pretty for the camera, don’t you? Go on,

swallow.” Remembering the alternative, Kossara obeyed.

As she accompanied the matron down the hall, waves of comfort passed

through her, higher at each tide. It was like being drunk, no, not

drunk, for she had her full senses and command of her body … like

having savored a few glasses with Mihail, after they had danced, and the

violins playing yet … like having Mihail here, alive again.

Almost cheerfully, in the recording room she doffed her gray issue gown,

went through the paces and said the phrases designed to show her off, as

instructed. She barely heard the running commentary:

“Kossara Vymezal [mispronounced, but a phonetic spell-out followed],

human female, age twenty-five, virgin, athletic, health and intelligence

excellent, education good though provincial. Spirited, but ought to

learn subordination in short order without radical measures. Life

sentence for treason, conspiracy to promote and aid rebellion. Suffers

from hostility to the Imperium and some disorientation due to

hypnoprobing. Neither handicap affects her wits or basic emotional

stability. Her behavior on the voyage here was cold but acceptable.

“She was born on the planet Dennitza, Zoria III in the Taurian Sector.

[A string of numbers] Her family is well placed, father being a district

administrator. [Why no mention of the fact Mother was a sister of Bodin

Miyatovich, Gospodar and sector governor? O Uncle, Uncle … ] As is the

rule there, she received military training and served a hitch in the

armed forces. She has a degree in xenology. Having done field work on

planets near home, several months ago she went to Diomedes [a string of

numbers]–quite remote, her research merely a disguise. Most of the

report on her has not been made available to us; and as said, she

herself is confused and largely amnesiac about this period. Her main

purpose was to help instigate a revolt. Before much harm was done, she

was detected, arrested, interrogated, and sentenced by court-martial.

There being little demand for slaves in that region, and a courier ship

returning directly to Terra, she was brought along.

“We rate her unlikely to be dangerous, given the usual precautions, and

attractive both physically and personally–”

The camera projected back the holograms it had taken, for its operator’s

inspection, and Kossara looked upon her image. She saw a big young

woman, 177 centimeters tall, a bit small in the bosom but robust in

shoulders, hips, and long free-striding legs, skin ivory-clear save for

a few freckles and the remnant of a tan. The face was wide, high in the

cheekbones, snub in the nose, full in the mouth, strong in chin and

jawline. Large blue-green eyes stood well apart beneath dark brows and

reddish-brown bangs; that hair was cropped below the ears in the manner

of both sexes on Dennitza. When she spoke, her voice was husky.

“–will be sullen unless drugged, but given the right training and

conditions, ought to develop a high sexual capacity. A private owner may

find that kindness will in due course make her loyal and responsive–”

Kossara slipped dreamily away from the words, the room, Terra … the

whole way home. To Mihail? No, she couldn’t quite raise him from the

dust between the stars–even now, she dared not. But, oh, just a few

years ago, she and Trohdwyr …

{She had a vacation from her studies at the Shkola plus a furlough from

her ground defense unit in the Narodna Voyska. Ordinarily she would have

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Categories: Anderson, Poul