A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows by Poul Anderson. Chapter 7, 8

eventually, maybe never, depending on circumstances.

More deceptions, more phantoms.

He sauntered into the civilian part of town and was quickly on genial

terms with factors and employees. Most of them found their work

stimulating–they liked the Diomedeans–but were starved for new human

contact. And none were under security. The trouble was, there had been

no need for it. They knew a special Intelligence force came to search

out the roots of the unrest which plagued them in then business. They

totally approved, and did not resent not being invited to meet the

investigators save for interviews about what they themselves might know.

None had seen the entire team together; when not in the field, it kept

apart, officers in the Residency, enlisted men in a separate barrack.

Yes, rumor said it included a xeno or two. What of that?

Otherwise the community had only heard Lagard’s brief announcement after

the group was gone. ” … I am not at liberty to say more than that

human traitors have been trying to foment a rebellion among the

Lannachska. Fortunately, the vast majority of the Great Flock stayed

loyal and sensible. And now the key agents have been killed or captured.

A few may still be at large, and information you may come upon

concerning these should be reported immediately. But I don’t expect they

can do serious harm any longer, and I intend to proceed, with your

cooperation, to remove the causes of discontent … ”

The next Diomedean day, Flandry donned a heated coverall and a dome

helmet with an air recycler, passed through pressure change in a lock,

and circulated among natives in their part of town. Most knew Anglic and

were willing to talk; but none had further news. He wasn’t surprised.

Finding a public phone booth, he took the opportunity to call Chives

when nobody who chanced to observe him was likely to wonder what a

solitary operative was doing there. He used a standard channel but a

language he was sure had never been heard on this world. The nearest

comsat bucked his words across the ocean to Lannach where, he having

paid for the service, they were broadcast rather than beamed. The relay

unit he had left under the cliff made contact with the Shalmuan’s


“Yes, sir, at present the young lady is eating rations taken from her

car before she abandoned it. They should last her as far as the sea, for

she is setting a hard pace despite the overgrowth and rugged topography.

I must confess I have difficulty following, since I consider it

inadvisable to go aloft on my gravbelt. I feel a certain concern for her

safety. A fall down a declivity or a sudden tempest could have adverse

effects, and she does not let caution delay her.”

“I think she can manage,” Flandry said. “In any event, you can rescue

her. What worries me is what may happen after she gets where she’s

going. Another twenty-four hours, did you estimate? I’d better try to

act fast myself, here.”

Susette didn’t wish to lose time either. Three hours after she and

Flandry had seen Lagard off, she was snuggled against him whispering how

wonderful he had been.

“You’re no slouch on the couch yourself, mlove,” he said, quite

honestly. “More, I hope?”

“Yes. As soon and often as you want. And do please want.”

“Well, how about a breather first, and getting acquainted? A girl who

keeps a bedside beer cooler is a girl whose sound mind I want to know as

well as her delectable body.” Warm and wudgy, she caressed him while he

leaned over to get bottles for them, and stayed in the circle of his

free arm when they leaned back against the pillows.

Too bad this can’t be a simple romp for me, he thought. It deserves

that. And by the way, so do 1. Kossara was making chastity come hard.

He savored the chill brisk flavor while his glance roved about. The

resident’s lady had a private suite where, she hinted, the resident was

an infrequent caller. This room of it was plushly carpeted, draped,

furnished, in rose and white. An incense stick joined its fragrance to

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Categories: Anderson, Poul