‘Leo!’ he shouted.

He was crouched like a pavement artist between the motion­less feet. They stood all round him but no one was touching him. They were packed in close, but they had left room for him to die. Turner saw him rise, and fall again, and once more he shouted, ‘Leo.’ He saw the dark eyes turn to him and heard his cry answered, to Turner, to the world, to God or pity, to the mercy of any man who would save him from the fact. He saw the scrum bow, and bury him, and run; he saw the Homburg hat roll away over the damp cobble and he ran forward, repeating the name.


He had grasped a torch and smelt the singeing of cloth. He was wielding the torch, driving away the hands, and sud­denly there was no resistance any more; he stood on the shore, beneath the scaffold, looking at his own life, his own face, at the lover’s hands grasping the cobble, at the pamphlets which drifted across the little body like leaves in the gathering wind. There was no weapon near him; nothing to show how he had died, only the crooked arrangement of the neck where the two pieces no longer fitted. He lay like a tiny doll who had been broken into pieces and carefully put together, pressed down under the warm Bonn air. A man who had felt, and felt no more; an innocent, reaching beyond the square for a prize he would never find. Far away, Turner heard the cry of anger as the grey crowd followed the vanished music of the alleys; while from behind him came the rustle of the light, approaching footsteps.

‘Search his pockets,’ someone said, in a voice of Saxon calm.


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Categories: John Le Carre