He choked on his own laughter. “Wrap your legs around my waist, sweetling.”


“Just do it.”

When she’d complied, he kept one hand wrapped around her waist to hold her in position. The other hand snaked underneath her, and before she had a chance to protest, he was strumming her gently in one particular place that caused the most unusual sensations to shoot out to all the important parts of her body. “I think mayhap you should stop now,” she said hesitantly.

“Helga, I don’t think I could stop now if I wanted to. Just relax and let me show you something special.”

She put her hands on his shoulders then and allowed him to touch her most private places, thus building the odd pressure. It was torture and it was pleasure at the same time. She was losing control and yet she, a person who cherished control of her life above all else, made no effort to stop him. When the pressure got so great and she felt herself begin to spasm inside her woman-place, she arched her neck and began to keen out her pleasure.

That was when Vagn began to buck against her, his hardened staff riding the channel of her womanhood. Back and forth. Hard and fast. In the end, he slammed himself against her and she exploded into ecstasy.

For a long time, she just rested her head in the crook of his neck and panted for breath. He was panting, too. Finally, when he pulled his head back to look at her, she asked, “Will I get pregnant from this?”

“Helga! We didn’t do anything. You made me come in my braies like a boyling.” He let her slide to her feet then, and she indeed saw the dampness at the groin of his breeches.

Helga felt oddly pleased at that evidence of his losing control, just as she had. “It felt like something.”

“It was definitely something… just not the thing that would get you with child. Believe me, there is much more to lovemaking than this.” He was brushing strands of hair off her face as he spoke. A soft lover’s gesture, which he probably did without thinking.

“Really? I can’t wait.”

“Nay, you misread me, Helga. There will be no more than this.” He stepped back from her as if suddenly aware of what he’d just done… of the danger he’d placed himself in.

“We shall see,” she said and sashayed off the way Rona had taught her, which was a real feat because her legs were as weak as melted butter and her woman-place was seeping moisture.

She thought she heard Vagn say behind her, “Gods help me!”

When one clueless man confronts another clueless man…

Vagn confronted Finn the next day in the bathhouse.

He was bare-arsed naked, as was Finn, but men did not care about such things. However, Finn was doing something rather outlandish, even for a Viking.

“What in the name of Odin are you doing?”

“Combing my manhairs,” Finn answered, not bothering to look up. He was indeed running a small comb through the short curls that surrounded his balls and cock… occasionally moving his staff from side to side to survey the effect, even pulling out a pair of shears and snipping the stray hairs.


“Because women like it.”

“They do?” Vagn pulled himself up short before he contemplated getting himself such a comb, and broached the subject he’d come to discuss with Finn. “Stay away from Helga.”

“Huh?” Dumb as dung, Finn was, in Vagn’s opinion. He had to be to be combing his cock.

“You heard me. Stay away from Helga.”

“Why? Does she belong to you?”

Vagn felt his face fill with heat, and not from the hot springs. “Nay. But I am looking out for her.”

“Isn’t that a bit mean-spirited?” Finn inquired with a sly glint in his eye. Mayhap he was not so dumb after all. “You don’t want her, but you don’t want anyone else to have her, either.”

“My reasons matter not. Just stay away from Helga.”


“I’ll lop off your head.”

Finn laughed, showing off way too many perfect teeth. “What makes you think she’d want me anyway? Her father tried to arrange a match betwixt us five years past, and Helga rejected me.”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra