A Very Tight Place by Stephen King

didn’t want to be noticed, and he didn’t want to be laughed at. Not even behind his


Also, he was tired. More tired than he’d ever been in his life.

He lay down on the discount-store sofa and put one of the pillows behind his head. He had left the trailer door open and a little breeze frisked through, stroking his dirty skin with delicious fingers. He was wearing nothing but the overalls now. He had stripped

off his filthy undershorts and the remaining sock before putting them on.

I don’t smell myself at all, he thought. Isn’t that amazing?

Then he fell asleep, deeply and completely. He dreamed of Betsy bringing him the

idiot stick, the tags on her collar jingling. He took the controller from her, and when he pointed it at the TV, he saw The Motherfucker peering in the window.

Curtis woke four hours later, sweating and stiff and stinging all over. Outside, thunder was rumbling as that afternoon’s storm approached, right on schedule. He made his

way down the makeshift trailer steps sidesaddle, like an old man with arthritis. He felt like an old man with arthritis. Then he sat down, looking alternately at the darkening sky and at the portable toilet from which he had escaped.

When the rain began, he stepped out of the overalls, threw them back into the trailer

to keep them dry, and then stood there naked in the downpour, his face turned upward,

smiling. That smile didn’t falter even when a stroke of lightning forked down on the

far side of Durkin Grove Village, close enough to fill the air with the tang of ozone.

He felt perfectly, deliciously safe.

The cold rain sluiced him relatively clean, and when it began to let up, he slowly

climbed the trailer steps again. When he was dry, he put the overalls back on. And

when late-day sun began to spoke through the unraveling clouds, he walked slowly up

the hill to where his Vespa was parked. The key was clutched in his right hand,

Betsy’s now-battered ID tag pressed between the first two fingers.

The Vespa wasn’t used to being left out in the rain, but it was a good pony and started after only two cranks of the engine, settling at once into its usual good-natured purr.

Curtis mounted up, barefooted and helmetless, a blithe spirit. He rode back to Turtle

Island that way, with the wind blowing his filthy hair and belling the overalls out

around his legs. He saw few cars, and got across the main road with no problems at all.

He thought he could use a couple of aspirins before going to see Grunwald, but

otherwise he had never felt better in his life.

By seven o’clock that evening, the afternoon shower was just a memory. The Turtle

Island sunsetters would gather on the beach in another hour or so for the usual end-of-day show, and Grunwald expected to be among them. For now, however, he lay in his

patio hot tub with his eyes closed, a weak gin and tonic near to hand. He had taken a

Percocet prior to climbing into the tub, knowing it would be a help when it came to

the short walk down to the beach, but his sense of almost dreamy satisfaction

persisted. He hardly needed the painkillers. That might change, but for the time being, he hadn’t felt so well in years. Yes, he was facing financial ruin, but he had enough

cash socked away to keep him comfortable for the time he had left. More important,

he had taken care of the queer who had been the author of all his misery. Ding-dong,

the wicked witch was d—

“Hello, Grunwald. Hello, you motherfucker.”

Grunwald’s eyes flew open. A dark shape was standing between him and the

westering sun, looking cut from black paper. Or funeral crepe. It looked like Johnson, but surely it could not be; Johnson was locked in the overturned toilet, Johnson was a shithouse mouse either dying or dead. Also, a smarmy little bandbox dresser like

Johnson would never have been caught dead looking like an extra from that old Hee-

Haw show. It was a dream, it had to be. But—

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