An Oblique Approach by David Drake and Eric Flint

“Will he agree?” asked Antonina. “To Belisarius accompanying him back to India?”

Theodora waved the concern away. “He can’t very well refuse, can he? After all, he’s supposedly a mere trade envoy. How could he refuse an imperial request to carry a Roman envoy back to his homeland?” She shook her head. “No, he’ll agree, however grudgingly. What I am much more concerned about, at the moment, is whether the Axumites will agree to that side of your proposal.”

“I thought they were on good terms with Rome,” commented Belisarius.

The Empress tightened her lips. “Yes, they were. Whether they still are, after the shameful way they’ve been treated since their arrival, is another matter.”

“They’ve been insulted?” asked Antonina.

“Not directly. But Justinian’s indifference to them was soon detected by the courtiers, who—” She snorted. “It’s the first rule of the courtier: if the Emperor breaks wind, you shit a mountain.”

Belisarius chuckled. Theodora shook her head.

“It’s not really funny. Justinian is so preoccupied with—well, never mind. Let’s just say that he has forgotten the first rule of the emperor. Do not trample over old friends in your eagerness to make new ones.”

“What’s your impression of the Axumites?” asked Antonina.

Theodora frowned. “The adviser, Garmat, strikes me as shrewd. I don’t think he’ll be a problem. It’s rather the prince who concerns me.”

She spoke the prince’s name slowly, savoring the words: “Eon Bisi Dakuen. Do you know what the name means?”

Belisarius and Antonina shook their heads.

“The Axumites are warriors. We forget that, here, because we only encounter them as traders and seamen. But they are a warrior people, with their own proud history. It is a tradition which is particularly ingrained in the ruling clan. It shows in their royal nomenclature.”

She closed her eyes, calling up memory. “The official name for the king of the Ethiopians is Kaleb Ella Atsbeha, son of Tazena, Bisi Lazen, King of Axum, Himryar, Dhu Raydan, Saba, Salhen, the High Country and Yamanat, the Coastal Plain, Hadramawt, and all their Arabs, the Beja, Noba, Kasu, and Siyamo, servant of Christ.”

“That’s a mouthful,” commented Antonina.

Theodora opened her eyes, smiling. “Isn’t it? But don’t shrug it off as royal grandiosity. It’s quite accurate, except for the ‘Ella Atsbeha’ part, and accurate in significant ways.”

“What does ‘Ella Atsbeha’ mean?” asked Belisarius.

“It means ‘he who brings the dawn.’ ” Theodora shrugged. “That part of the title we can ignore. But the rest—ah, there’s what’s interesting. The long list of territories ruled, for instance, is quite precise. And the Axumites are punctilious about it. The listing of Himryar, for instance, as well as the Hadrawmat, is recent. The Axumites add and remove territories to the name of their ruler in strict accordance to the facts on the ground, so to speak.”

She cast a shrewd glance at Belisarius.

“What does that tell you, General?”

“It tells me they prize accurate intelligence, even formally.” Belisarius smiled crookedly. “That’s a rather rare trait in rulers.”

“Isn’t it? But the Axumites are rigorous about it. I had my historians check the records.” She went on. “The ‘ella’ name is only given to ruling monarchs. Who, by the way, are properly known as the negusa nagast, which means ‘King of Kings.’ My historians are not certain, but they think the title is also quite accurate. From old records of the first missionaries, it seems that Axum was forged by conquest and that it rules over many subordinate monarchs in the region of Ethiopia. Even Meroe and Nubia, it seems.”

“And the ‘bisi’ name?” asked Belisarius. “It must mean something. I notice that both the King—the negusa nagast—and his son share the name. It’s a title, I imagine.”

“Yes. And that’s the most interesting part. King Kaleb’s oldest son Wa’zeb is named ‘Wa’zeb Bisi Hadefan, son of Ella Atsbeha.’ He is granted the patronymic, because he is the heir. The younger son who is the envoy here, Eon, is stripped down the bare essentials. ‘Eon Bisi Dakuen.’ That’s the only name he has, because it’s the only name Axumite royalty considers essential.”

“It’s a military title,” guessed Belisarius.

Theodora nodded approvingly. “Quite right. The Axumite army is organized into long-standing regiments. They call them sarawit. I believe the singular is sarwe. ‘Bisi’ means ‘man of.’ Hence the Prince, Eon, has as his only identity the fact that he is a man of the Dakuen sarwe. Just as his father, before all else, is a man of the Lazen sarwe; and his older brother Wa’zeb, the heir, is before all else a man of the Hadefan sarwe.”

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Categories: David Drake