Ange Pitou by Alexandre Dumas part one

Ange Pitou part one

Ange Pitou

Alexandre Dumas


Volume I

I. In which the Reader is made acquainted with the Hero of this History, as well as with the Country in which he first saw the Light

II. In which it is proved that an Aunt is not always a Mother

III. Ange Pitou at his Aunt’s

IV. Of the Influence which a Barbarism and Seven Solecisms may have upon the Whole Life of a Man

V. A Philosophical Farmer

VI. Pastoral Scenes

VII. In which it is demonstrated that although Long Legs’s may be somewhat Ungraceful in Dancing, they are very useful in Running

VIII. Showing why the Gentleman in Black had gone into the Farm at the same time with the Two Sergeants

IX. The Road to Paris

X. What was happening at the End of the Road which Pitou was travelling upon,—that is to say, at Paris

XI. The Night between the 12th and 13th of July

XII. What occurred during the Night of the 12th July, 1789

XIII. The King is so good! the Queen is so good!

XIV. The Three Powers of France

XV. Monsieur de Launay, Governor of the Bastille

XVI. The Bastille and it’s Governor

XVII. The Bastille

XVIII. Doctor Gilbert

XIX. The Triangle

XX. Sebastien Gilbert

XXI. Madame de Staël

XXII. The King Louis XVI

XXIII. The Countess de Charny

XXIV. Royal Philosophy

XXV. In the Queen’s Apartments

XXVI. How the King supped on the 14th of July, 1789

XXVII.Olivier de Charny

XXVIII. Olivier de Charny

XXIX. A Trio

XXX. A King and a Queen

Volume II

I. What the Queen’s Thoughts were, during the Night from July 14 to July 15, 1789

II. The King’s Physician

III. The Council

IV. Decision

V. The Shirt of Mail

VI. The Departure

VII. The Journey

VIII. Showing what was taking place at Versailles while the King was listening to the Speeches of the Municipality

IX. The Return

X. Foulon

XI. The Father-in-Law

XII. The Son-in-Law

XIII. Billot begins to perceive that all is not Roses in Revolutions

XIV. The Pitts

XV. Medea

XVI. What the Queen wished

XVII. The Flanders Regiment

XVIII. The Banquet given by the Guards

XIX. The Wowen begin to stir

XX. Maillard a General

XXI. Versailles

XXII. The Fifth October

XXIII. The Evening of the Fifth and Sixth of October

XXIV. The Night of the Fifth and Sixth of October

XXV. The Morning

XXVI. George de Charny

XXVII. Departure, Journey, and Arrival of Pitou and Sebastien Gilbert

XXVIII. How Pitou, after having been cursed and turned out of Doors by his Aunt on account of a Barbarism and three Solecisms, was again cursed and turned out by her on account of a fowl cooked with rice

XXIX. Pitou a Revolutionist

XXX. Madame Billot Abdicates

XXXI. What decided Pitou to leave the Farm and return to Haramont, his real and only Country

XXXII. Pitou an Orator

XXXIII. Pitou a Conspirator

XXXIV. In which will be seen opposed to each other the Monarchical Principle represented by the Abbé Fortier, and the Revolutionary Principle represented by Pitou

XXXV. Pitou a Diplomatist

XXXVI. Pitou Triumphs

XXXVII. How Pitou learned Tactics, and acquired a Noble Bearing

XXXVIII. Catherine becomes a Diplomatist

XXXIX. Honey and Absinthe

XL. An Unexpected Dénouement

List of Illustrations

Volume I

Ange and Catherine


Volume II

Louis XVI.

For the Queen!

Introductory Note

ON Christmas Day, 1753, Lord Chesterfield wrote from Paris, summing up his observations on the state of France: “In short, all the symptoms which I have ever met with in history, previous to great changes and revolutions in government, now exist and daily increase in France.”

This, being written so early and by a foreigner, is perhaps the most noteworthy of the prophecies of disaster to come which were trumpeted forth by so many keen-sighted intellects during the last half of the eighteenth century. It was floating in the air; it was written upon the faces of the starving, down-trodden people, who found themselves burdened with this tax and that tax, with tithes and tailles, from which the nobility and clergy Were exempt; while on the other hand, the luxury and extravagance of those privileged classes grew every day more wanton, and their vices more shameless. Upon such a foundation the philosophers and encyclopædists had built solidly and well, so that Voltaire wrote exultingly of the “glorious sights” which the young men of his day would live to see; wherefore they were greatly to be envied!

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre