Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors. Chapter 14, 15, 16

“Couldn’t have been the Others,” Kai said, shaking his head vigorously. “That old core was of Thek manufacture. Undeniably. We’re using recent cores of the exact same design. Until today I never appreciated just how good the design was. The screen blips were faint, but they were there!”

“Are we not forgetting that planets visited by the Others are invariably lifeless, reduced to barren rock. Stripped. Lifeless!” Anstel spoke with the distaste of one who values life in all its forms.

“Then why have we been visited by this Thek delegation?” Sassinak asked.

“Someone forgot that this planet had been explored and classified,” Fordeliton suggested, “and they intend to repair that oversight. Your friend Tor did say ‘verifying’ in its distinctive fashion.”

“How will they verify that,” Anstel asked, “when Thek have disposed of the evidence of the old cores?”

“Perhaps,” and there was a wicked gleam in Sassiness’ sparkling eyes, “they had to digest them to find out?” She leaned forward and tapped instructions in to her console. Immediately the screens came to life: the Great-Big Bears had not moved, nor had the Medium-Size ones. The three small ones had disappeared. The fourth screen showed the site on which the Thek had been attacked by 132

Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors the fringes. It was unoccupied. Just then a buzzer alerted Commander Sassinak. “Yes? Oh, really?”

She made another adjustment and Kai half rose from his seat in astonishment. A myriad of Thek forms inhabited the plain below the campsite.

“Muhlah! Every fringe on Ireta will be homing in on us.”

“I doubt it. Nor would they pose you a problem if they did. Between Thek and the globe, you couldn’t be better protected.”

“But what are they doing there? I’m here. Tor knows that. Muhlah! Kai’s startled reaction was shared by everyone in the room. For the Thek were spinning off in all directions, nearly thirty small Thek pyramids were hurtling skyward and disappearing with astounding speed.

“Now what?”

“Now what, indeed?” Sassiness’ expression sparkled with amusement and speculation.

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