Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors. Chapter 17, 18, 19, 20

“I’d consider it a privilege to help you in any research, Governor.”

Varian smiled up at him, for the man was considerably taller. “Well, then, time’s a’wasting. And Ireta’s giving us a relatively squall-free day. Grab your gear and I’ll meet you at my sled.” She turned to Kai. “Shall I drop you off back at the camp or are you staying on here, in case”—her grin became mischievous—“the Thek come to a quick decision.

Kai rose. “No, I’d better get back.” He turned to Sassinak to thank her.

“If there’s no objections, Commander, I’ll just retrieve the men I left guarding the camp. Quicker in the pinnace, anyway.” Fordeliton got to his feet.

“And I’ll follow protocol and inform Sector Headquarters of the Thek arrival,” Sassinak said.

They left the mess hall, separating in the corridor. Fordeliton walked with Kai and Varian to the access air lock. Fordeliton peered with exaggerated caution toward the transport and the triangular tops visible above the looming carcass.

“Still there?” Varian asked.

“In residence!”

“They’re impressive, aren’t they? Oh ho, and I wonder what he thinks about them?” Varian pointed.

The two men followed her finger and watched as a sled approached the Medium-Size Thek.

“That would be one of the Iretans, I think,” Fordeliton said. “We gave them a sled with that registration.”

“Aygar,” Varian said. “What have they been doing, d’you know?”

“I haven’t had time to catch up on their activities, so much has been going on in your camps. I believe they have already smashed one sled. Takes a while to get used to modern conveniences.”

However, Aygar landed his sled deftly, emerged, and walked around the Thek. It made rather an interesting contrast, Varian thought, a fine specimen of a man, wearing little in the way of modern 136

Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors clothes or weapons, striding arrogantly about one of the oldest living creatures in the galaxy: each entity very certain of its position in that galaxy, even if Aygar was willing to limit himself to one planet. Having finished his circuit, Aygar noticed the observers and paced stolidly toward them.

“What are those things?”

“Thek,” Varian replied, grinning.

“What are they doing here?”


Aygar swiveled his upper body to look at the silent and rigid Thek.

“Verifying what?”

“They didn’t say.”

“Do they always mess up landing grids like that? Must make them unpopular visitors.”

“When you get that big, no one has the nerve to complain.”

“That commander woman said they’re allies?” When Varian nodded, he went on. “Allies of whom? Your lot,” and his gesture included the cruiser, “or them?” And he indicated the transport.

“Who are you allied with?” Fordeliton asked in a suspiciously bland tone. “Them or us?”

Aygar grinned back, the first time Varian had seen genuine amusement on the young Iretan’s face. “You’ll know when I have decided. If I do.”

With that he swung about on one heel and marched back to his sled, moving with an unexpectedly graceful economy of motion. In a single fluid movement, he climbed into the sled, closed its canopy, and took off.

“Varian?” Anstel’s call was breathless. “Oh, I was afraid that you’d taken off. I just needed a few things.”

Varian choked on her laughter. Anstel had festooned himself with a variety of equipment, some of which she could not identify.

“Well, I’m ready when you are,” Varian said. “Keep me informed, will you, Ford? Kai? It’s as well to let the giffs settle down to normal this afternoon so, Anstel, this quest of yours is most welcome. Shall we go?”


Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors CHAPTER EIGHTEEN

The two men left at the campsite were still goggle-eyed about the appearance of so many Thek.

“More than I’ve ever seen, thassa fact,” said the older steward, “and I been around this galaxy, so I have seen a lot of them, you know, only sort of one here and then another there, but so many at once?” He scrubbed at his stubbly pate, dragging his hand down his face, and then mimed the wiping off of an expression. “Quite a sight, really! Something to swap for drinks.”

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