Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors. Chapter 8, 9

As the series of emotions crossed the medic’s usually well-schooled face, Varian wished she had a recorder handy. Shock, surprise, denial, consternation, and finally resignation marched across the woman’s face. Then Lunzie blinked and displayed her usual composure.

“She could be, I suppose. My family tends to the services, and wandering.”

“Did you know she was commander of the ZD-43?”

“No. How could I? She couldn’t’ve been when we went to sleep forty-three years ago. The cruiser was only just commissioned. I’d seen the announcement on the ARCT-10 which is why the designation fell so easily from my tongue when needed.”

“She’s invited us to dinner at the earliest opportunity.”

“What sort of person is she?”

“Well …” and Varian maliciously delayed her assessment, “I think there’s a distinct family resemblance … in manner.”

Lunzie gave Varian a long shrewd look. “As Fleet commanders generally spread a good meal, and I’m getting bored with stews and simple Iretan fare, I accept.”

“She sent this with her compliments.” Varian handed over the square Sverulan brandy bottle.

“A discerning relative. I expect good things at her table.”

“Lunzie!” Varian pointed at the tape in the medic’s pocket.

“Yes, yes, I’ll do that first. We’ll broach the bottle tonight!”

Then Lunzie, juggling microscope bottle and a tray of other supplies, made her way to the compartment that had been, two weeks ago, Trizein’s laboratory.

Just as Varian dutifully sat down to speak her own report, she heard a sled enter the cave. Its single passenger, a short, chesty man with a round face wreathed in an expression of constant, surprised good humor, who waved cheerily to her.

He had come to present his apologies in person.

“I could have dropped down here any time the last fifteen years if I’d had any idea of your situation. When we got that Thek summons, I checked the computer banks right then. Your last contact with Vrl was logged all right enough but the Ryxi didn’t attempt to raise your camp for 95

Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors another five months. The entry indicated no response, so it was assumed you’d been recovered by the ARCT-10.”

“Have you heard anything about the EV?”

“No, but that’s nothing,” Godheir assured her with a smile. “EVs don’t have much cause to tell mercenary captains like me this, that, or twaddle. But,” and he waggled a finger at her, his expression sincere, “that might be all to the good. I sure would have heard if an EV got itself lost.

Mullah! They’re still bitching about the LSTC-8 that tangled with that gas cloud last century. No news is good news, you know. And that cruiser’ll get an update. Meanwhile, anything me and my crew can do … including a spot of bird-watching. Did their net act this morning—now that’s a sight to see!”

“You didn’t happen to record it, did you?”

“I sure did record it! Furthermore,” and Godheir grinned broadly, “we got their attack on us, Lunzie’s arrival, and all that to-do on a high-resolution tape. One of my crew’s an amateur naturalist. You should see his tapes of the Ryxi—”

“Captain Godheir, your contract doesn’t oblige you to disclose all activities to the Ryxi, does it?”

Godheir gave her the broadest possible wink. “We don’t exactly converse with ’em at all, which you will understand if you know the Ryxi—which I suspect you do or you wouldn’t worry about

’em—so don’t worry about me or any of my crew babbling. Those Ryxi pay well, or you may be sure we wouldn’t keep renewing the contract.” He leaned across the table and patted Varian’s shoulder reassuringly. “Now, you need anything me or my men can cobble up for you to get settled in? I got a few more items Lunzie requested. That nice little girl Cleiti’s been helping us. Too bad she’s so long separated from her folks.”

“Cleiti’s here?” Varian reached for another cassette.

“She’s out in the cave, setting up the bunks.”

Varian went out, followed by Godheir who assured her that Cleiti was only supervising as Obir was under strict orders to prevent her doing anything strenuous. And to be sure, Cleiti was perched on a stool of recent manufacture, listening to the comments of the garrulous “jack of all trades”.

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