Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors. Chapter 8, 9

“Mutiny is always an issue,” Kai said angrily. “Planetary piracy is more serious.”

“That’s because there’s been more of that than mutiny,” Portegin said, half joking.

“Far too much,” Lunzie said, not at all amused. “Generally the Federation doesn’t know of a take over unless dissidents among the pirates inform. Then it’s too late.”

“When is “too late” too late to punish criminal activity?” Kai demanded, obviously referring to the mutiny, not the piracy.

“The tribunal will decide that, Kai,” Lunzie said more kindly. “The ramifications are far too complex for my understanding of the laws. But, Kai, wouldn’t you say, that senility and the knowledge of the futile out come of forty-three years hard work constitute a punishment?” When she saw the obstinate set of Kai’s features, she shrugged. “What about consoling yourself with the knowledge that you’ve been instrumental in preventing the illegal occupation?”

“Say, are there Federation rewards for hindering pirates?” Triv asked.

Despite a spate of cheering at this suggestion, no one had an answer.

“What sort of reward could buy back the time we’ve lost,” Kai asked stiffly, “or health?”

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