Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors. Chapter 8, 9

“I doubt it, helmsman. It came from due east, not northeast.”


“Not that large a ship.”

“Unless that colonist transport also carries military craft …” Portegin added.

“Belay that, helmsman. We don’t need to borrow trouble. We have our orders.”

“So we do, sir.” At the skepticism and near impudence in her subordinate’s tone, Rianav grinned to herself. “Ma’am, shouldn’t we inform base camp? And shouldn’t we inform our cruiser of this violation of Ireta’s air space?”

“Not if it also informs that intruder of the whereabouts of our base camp, helmsman. The cruiser would have observed the entry. I see no point in breaking comsilence and informing a listener of our presence. Especially as we are heading toward the plateau.”

“But, if the Heavyworld transport is down, we don’t need to jam that beacon.”

“First we get to the plateau, helmsman.” Rianav spoke firmly enough to repress further suggestions.


Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors The sullen Iretan dawn lightened the skies just as they reached the first of the falls below the plateau.

“Lieutenant, isn’t that awfully bright for dawn?” asked Portegin, pointing slightly to starboard. A luminous bright yellow formed a curious circle under pendulous Iretan clouds.

“Damn funny!” Rianav piled on power and took the little sled up at a steep angle to get maximum height while still in the shelter of the hills surrounding the plateau.

Then several things happened at once.

“This is rescue mission! Is anyone on that beacon?” demanded an impatient voice. After a moment of silence, the voice spoke to someone in the background. “No luck on this frequency, sir

… Roger. All freq. at max. power.”

The telltagger began to hum. Not chatter or squawk but the hum which experience told Rianav was a large airborne object slowly approaching them from a height.

“A ship? can you see it, Portgin?”

“No. Shouldn’t I answer the rescue hail?”

“Not if they’re homing in on this beacon? We say nothing. Oh Krims! and bollix!” Rianav swore fiercely and loudly, trying to deny what they saw.

“We’ve had it!” Portegin’s resigned words came out in an awed whisper.

They had risen above the screening terrain, the hills from which the iron ore had been mined to cushion the vast bulk of the transport ship which was settling to earth. The light seen by Rianav and Portegin was radiating from its underside and from arc lights surrounding the landing site.

“That isn’t what’s making the telltagger talk,” protested Portegin and looked over his shoulder.

He opened his mouth to speak when a bolt spewed from the maw of the transport.

Rianav slewed the sled in a frantic effort to avoid the beam. That was all she remembered.

“Kai? Kai, are you awake?”

At the panicky tone in Dimenon’s voice, Kai sprang awkwardly toward the comunit.

“I’m here.”

“Kai, I’ll swear it. We got Thek here. Thek all around. Big ones, little ones, like they were taking turns!”

“Where are you, Dim?”

“We’re just over the pitch blend strike—”

Dimenon’s words were cut off abruptly. Kai tried to reestablish contact. Not that Dimenon or Margit would be in any danger from the Thek, but he would prefer a little more detailed report.

When he failed to raise the geologists, he switched to Lunzie.

“Where abouts are you, Lunzie?”

“Nearly to the cave. Why?”

“Dimenon just reported there are Thek on the first strike. Then he went silent.”

“Thek? Kai, I think we’d better raise Varian and abort that mission. If Thek are here …”




The interruption stunned Kai and Lunzie.

“You are blasting our eardrums, rescue,” Lunzie said. “What is your origin?”


“Maintain silence and home in on beacon.” Lunzie interrupted in a tone that inspired compliance.

“I’ll get back to you, Base.” Kai knew to maintain his silence.


Anne McCaffrey – Dinosaur Planet II – The Survivors Which beacon? he wanted to shout. And why were Thek appearing all over the landscape?

Should he not attempt to warn Varian? Well, if the rescue ship was heading toward the heavyworlders’ beacon, Varian would abort on her own initiative.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne