Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

The wrecking crew started forward.

Chapter Twenty:

“With the proper consideration in choice of allies, victory may be guaranteed in any conflict.”


“GET’em, Gleep!” I barked.

The dragon bounded into action, a move which I think surprised me more than it did my assailants.

It leaped between me and the advancing rat pack and crouched there, hissing menacingly. His tail gave a mighty lash which neatly swept the legs out from under two of the flanking members of the party. Somehow, he seemed much bigger when he was mad.

“Watch out! He’s got a dragon!” the leader called.

“Thanks for the warning!” one of the fallen men growled, struggling to regain his feet.

“I’ve got him!” came a voice from my left.

I turned just in time to see a foot-long dagger flashing through the air at the dragon’s neck. My dragon!

Suddenly I was back at the practice sessions. My mind darted out and grabbed at the knife. It jerked to a halt in midair and hovered there.

“Nice move, handsome!” the girl called.

“Hey! The shrimp’s a magician!”

The pack fell back a few steps.

“That’s right!” I barked. “Skeeve’s the name, magik’s the game. What kind of clod did you think you were dealing with?”

With that, I brought the dagger down, swooping it back and forth through their formation. I was mad now. One of these louts had tried to kill my dragon!

“A dozen of you isn’t enough!” I shouted. “Go back and get some friends… if you have any!”

I cast about desperately for something else to throw. My eyes fell on the dung heap. I smiled to myself despite my anger. Why not?

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