Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin


“WHAT happened?” I demanded of Aahz.

“Hey, kid. I was on Deva, too. Remember?”

“Um … hey, guys. I hate to interrupt,” Tanda interrupted, “but shouldn’t something be done about disguises?”

She was right. Being on Deva had made me forget the mundane necessities of our existence. I ignored Aahz’s sarcastic reply and set to work.

Aahz returned to his now traditional Garkin disguise. Tanda was fine once I changed her complexion and the color of her hair. After a bit of thought, I disguised Gleep as the war unicorn. It was a bit risky, but it would do as long as he kept his mouth shut. Me, I left as myself. I mean, what the heck. Tanda liked my looks the way they were.

Fortunately the sun wasn’t up yet, so there weren’t any people aboul to witness the transformation.

“Say, handsome,” Tanda commented, observing the results of my work, “you’re a pretty handy guy to have around.”

“His name’s Skeeve,” Aahz grumbled.

“Whatever.” Tanda murmured. “He’s got style.”

She snuggled up to me.

“Gleep!” said the dragon, pressing his head against my other side.

I was starting to feel awfully popular.

“If you can spare a few minutes, kid,” Aahz commented dryly, “we do have a mission, remember?”

“That’s right,” I said, forcing my attention away from Tanda’s advances. “What do you think happened to Frumple?”

“Either the citizens of Twixt got wise to him, or he’s off to tell Isstvan we’re coming, would be my two guesses.”

“Who’s Frumple?” Tanda asked.

“Hmm? Oh, he’s the resident Deveel,” Aahz said. “He’s the one who helped us get to the Bazaar.”

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