Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Actually, Quigley,” Aahz smiled, “If there’s anyone you should thank, it should be Tananda here. If it were not for her, we would be in dire straits indeed.”

“It’s about time,” mumbled Tanda, obviously unimpressed with Aahz’s rhetoric.

“Charmed, milady,” Quigley smiled, taking her hand to kiss.

“She’s a witch,” added Aahz casually.

“A witch?” Quigley dropped her hand as if it had bitten him.

“That’s right, sugar,” Tanda smiled, batting her eyes at him.

“Perhaps I should explain,” Aahz interrupted mercifully. “Tananda here has certain powers she has consented to use in support of our war on demons. You already noticed I have regained my normal appearance?”

Another blatant lie. Aahz was currently disguised as Garkin.

“Yes,” the demon hunter admitted hesitantly.

“Tananda’s work,” Aahz confided. “Just as it was her powers that restored you after you had been turned to stone.”

“Hmmm….” Quigley said, looking at Tanda again.

“Really, you must realize, Quigley, that when one fights demons, sometimes it is helpful to employ a demon’s weapons,” Aahz admonished gently. “Tananda here can be a powerful ally . . . and frankly, I find your attitude toward her deplorable and ungrateful.”

“Forgive me, milady,” Quigley sighed, stepping up to her again. “I did not mean to offend you. It’s just that . . . well . . . I’ve had some bad experiences with those who associate with demons.”

“Think nothing of it, sugar,” said Tanda the demon, taking his hand, “And call me Tanda.”

While they were occupied with each other, I seized the opportunity and snagged Aahz’s arm.

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