Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

Isstvan hesitated. He closed his eyes.

Nothing happened.

“You see?” Aahz shrugged. “You’ve lost your powers. All of them. And don’t look to your associates for help. They’re all in the same boat.”

“You mean we’ve really won?” I blurted out, the full impact of what was transpiring finally starting to sink in.

“That’s right, kid.”

Aahz suddenly leaned forward and clapped Frumple on the shoulder.

“Congratulations, Frumple,” he exclaimed. “I’ve got to admit I didn’t think you could do it.”

“What?” blinked the Deveel.

“I’m just glad this squares our debt with you,” Aahz continued without pause. “You won’t try to back out on it now, will you?”

“Frumple!” Isstvan’s voice was dark with menace. “Did you do this to us?”

“I.. . I….” Frumple stammered.

“Go ahead, Frumple. Gloat!” Aahz encouraged. “He can’t do anything to you now. Besides, you can teleport out of here anytime you want.”

“No, he can’t!” snarled Higgens, and his arm flashed forward.

I caught a glimpse of a small ball flying through the air before it exploded against Frumple’s forehead in a cloud of purple dust.

“But….” began Frumple, but it was too late. In mid-gesture his limbs became rigid and his face froze. We had another statue on our hands.

“Good move, Higgens,” applauded Aahz.

“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, Aahz,” interrupted Isstvan. “Could you explain what’s going on here?”

“Aah!” said Aahz, “therein lies the story.”

“This sounds familiar,” Quigley mumbled.

I poked him in the ribs with my elbow. We weren’t out of this yet.

“It seems that Frumple learned about your plans from Throckwoddle. Apparently he was afraid that if you succeeded in taking over the dimensions, you would implement price controls, thereby putting him out of business as a merchant. You know how those Deveels are.”

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