Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“What if we’re heading in the wrong direction?” I argued. “What if they’re really following us? How long do we travel in this direction before we give up and admit it?”

“How long do you figure it will take for you to learn enough magik to stand up to a pack of Imp assassins armed with off-dimension weapons?”

“Let’s get to work,” I said firmly.

He looked around, and pointed to a gnarled fruit tree strewn round with windfalls across the clearing.

“Okay. Here’s what I want you to do. Stare at the sky or contemplate your navel or something. Then when I give the word, use your power to grab one of those fruits and toss it to me.”

I don’t know how many hours we spent on that drill. It’s more difficult than it sounds, mustering one’s powers from a standing start. Just when I thought I had it down pat, Aahz switched tactics. He would engage in a conversation, deliberately leading me on, then would interrupt me in mid-sentence with his signal. Needless to say, I failed miserably.

“Relax, kid. Look, try it this way. Instead of mustering your power from scratch each time, create a small space inside yourself and store up some energy there. Just habitually keep that reserve squirreled away and ready to cover for you while you get set to level your big guns.”

“What’s a gun?”

“Never mind. Just build that reserve and we’ll try it again.”

With this extra bit of advice at my disposal the drill went noticeably better. Finally Aahz broke off the practice session and put me to work helping him with his knife practice. Actually I rather enjoyed this task. It entailed my using my powers to levitate one of the fruits and send it flying around the clearing until Aahz pegged a knife into it. As an extra touch of finesse, I would then extract the knife and float it back to him for another try. The exercise was monotonous, but I never tired of it. It seemed almost supernatural the way the shimmering, somersaulting sliver of steel would dart out to intercept the fruit as Aahz practiced first overhand, then underhand, now backhand.

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