Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Who’s that?” Aahz asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I realized I had been dangerously close to showing a betraying sign of recognition of the statue.

“There will be time for that later, if indeed there is a later,” said Higgens, grimly dropping the unicorn’s reins and raising his crossbow.

“Yes,” echoed Brockhurst, imitating Higgens’s move with his own weapon. “First there is a matter of an explanation to be settled. Throckwoddle?”

“Gentlemen, gentlemen,” said Aahz soothingly, stepping between me and the crossbows. “Before you proceed I must insist on introducing myself properly. If you will but allow me a moment while I remove my disguise.”

The sight of the two weapons had rattled me so badly I almost missed my cue. Fortunately, I managed to gather my scattered senses and closed my eyes, shakily executing the change features spell to convert Aahz back to his normal dubious appearance.

I’m not sure what reaction I had expected from the Imps at the transformation, but the one I got surpassed any possible expectations.

“By the Gods below!” gasped Brockhurst.

“A Pervert!” gasped Higgens.

“That’s Pervect!” smiled Aahz, showing all his pointed teeth. “And don’t ever forget it, friend Imps.”

“Yessir!” they chorused in unison.

They were both standing in slack-jawed amazement, crossbows dangling forgotten in their hands. From their terrified reactions, I began to suspect that despite all his bragging, Aahz had perhaps not told me everything about his dimension or the reputation of its inhabitants.

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