Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

Satisfied now, I opened my eyes and looked about me. The other two Imps now Showed the apparently characteristic pointed ears and chins. Aahz looked like Aahz. The situation had completely reversed since the Imps had arrived. Instead of being normal surrounded by three disguised demons, I was now surrounded by three demons while I was disguised. Terrific.

“Ahh. That’s better,” chortled Aahz.

“You know, Throckwoddle,” Higgens said, cocking a head at me. “For a moment there in the firelight you looked different. In fact….”

“Come, come, gentlemen,” Aahz interrupted. “We have serious matters to discuss. Does Isstvan know about Frumple’s existence?”

“I don’t believe so,” answered Brockhurst. “If he did, he would have either enlisted him or had him assassinated.”

“Good,” exclaimed Aahz. “He could very well be the key to our plot.”

“What plot? “I asked.

“Our plot against Isstvan, of course.”

“What?” exclaimed Higgens, completely distracted from me now. “Are you insane?”

“No,” retorted Aahz. “But Isstvan is. I mean, think! Has he been acting particularly stable?”

“No,” admitted Brockhurst. “But then neither has any other magician I’ve met, present company included.”

“Besides,” Higgens interrupted, “I thought you were on your way to help him.”

“That’s before I heard your story,” Aahz pointed out. “I’m not particularly eager to work for a magician who pits his own employees against each other.”

“When did he do that?” Higgens asked.

Aahz made an exasperated gesture.

“Think, gentlemen! Have you forgotten our stonyfaced friend there?” He jerked a thumb at the figure on the unicorn. “If you recall your tale correctly, his words seemed to imply he had been sent by Isstvan to intercept you.”

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