Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Yeah? How would you know?” my comrade retorted.

“Well… you said….”

“I said? That won’t do it, kid. What’s point-heavy for me may not be point-heavy for you. Weapon balance is a personal thing.”

“Well … I guess I’m just not used to wearing a sword,” I admitted.

“It’s easy. Just forget you’re wearing it. Think of it as part of you.”

“I did. That’s when I hit you.”

“Hmm … we’ll go into it more later.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I could still see the trollop. She clapped her hands in silent applause and blew me a kiss. I suddenly realized she thought I had deliberately hit Aahz, a premeditated act to quell a rival. What’s more, she approved of the gesture.

I looked at her again, more closely this time. Maybe later I would give Aahz the slip for a while and….

“We’ve got to find Frumple.” Aahz’s voice interrupted my wandering thoughts.

“Hmm … ? Oh. How, Aahz?”

“Through guile and cunning. Watch this, kid.”

So saying, he shot a quick glance up and down the street. A pack of three urchins had just rounded the corner, busily engaged in a game of keep-away with one of the group’s hat.

“Hey!” Aahz hailed them. “Where can I find the shop of Abdul the Rug Dealer?”

“Two streets up and five to the left,” they called back, pointing the direction.

“See, kid? That wasn’t hard.”

“Terrific,” I responded, unimpressed.

“Now what’s wrong, kid?”

“I thought we were trying to avoid unnecessary attention.”

“Don’t worry, kid.”

“Don’t worry!? We’re on our way to meet a Deveel on a supposedly secret mission, and you seem to be determined to make sure everybody we see notices us and knows where we’re going.”

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