Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

That Professor Bumper was astonished, and Mr. Damon likewise, when they heard the story of Tom and Ned, is stating it mildly.



“Come on!” exclaimed the scientist, as Tom finished, “we must see this Goosal at once. If my map is destroyed, and it seems to be, this old Indian may be our only hope. Where did he say the buried city was, Tom?”

“Oh, somewhere in this vicinity, as nearly as I could make out. But you’d better talk with him yourself. We didn’t say anything about the idol of gold.”

“That’s right. It’s just as well to let the natives think we are only after ordinary relics.”

“Bless my insurance policy!” gasped Mr. Damon. “It does not seem possible that we are on the right track.”

“Well, I think we are, from what little information Goosal gave us,” remarked Tom. “This buried city of his must be a wonderful place.”

“It is, if it is what I take it to be,” agreed the professor. “I told you I would bring you to a land of wonders, Tom Swift, and they have hardly begun yet. Come, I am anxious to talk to Goosal.”

In order that the Indians in the Bumper camp might not hear rumors of the new plan to locate the hidden city, and, at the same time, to keep rumors from spreading to the camp of the rivals, the scientist and his friends started a new shaft, and put a shift of men at work on it.



“We’ll pretend we are on the right track, and very busy,” said Tom. “That will fool Beecher.”

“Are you glad to know he did not take your map Professor Bumper?” asked Mr. Damon.

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