Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“Tom, if I could show you the translations I have made of the ancient documents, referring to this idol and the wonderful city over which it kept guard, I’m sure you’d come with us.”

“Please don’t tempt me,” Tom said with a laugh. “I’m only too anxious to go, and if it wasn’t for the stabilizer I’d be with you in a minute. But — — Well, you’ll have to get along without me. Maybe I can join you later.”

“What’s this about the idol keeping guard



over the ancient city?” asked Ned, for he was interested in strange stories.

“It seems,” explained the professor, “that in the early days there was a strange race of people, inhabiting Central America, with a somewhat high civilization, only traces of which remained when the Spaniards came.

“But these traces, and such hieroglyphics, or, to be more exact pictographs, as I have been able to decipher from the old documents, tell of one country, or perhaps it was only a city, over which this great golden idol of Quitzel presided.

“There is in some of these papers a description of the idol, which is not exactly a beauty, judged from modern standards. But the main fact is that it is made of solid gold, and may weigh anywhere from one to two tons.”

“Two tons of gold!” cried New Newton. “Why, if that’s the case it would be worth — — ” and he fell to doing a sum in mental arithmetic.

“I am not so concerned about the monetary value of the statue as I am about its antiquity,” went on Professor Bumper. “There are other statues in this buried city of Kurzon, and though they may not be so valuable they will give me a wealth of material for my research work.”

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