Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders



ON hearing Mr. Damon’s rather startling announcement, Tom and Ned looked at one another. There seemed to be something back of the simple statement — an ominous and portending “something.”

“On the same steamer with us, is he?” mused Tom.

“How did you learn this?” asked Ned.

“Just got a wire from Professor Bumper telling me. He asked me to telephone to you about it, as he was too busy to call up on the long distance from New York. But instead of ‘phoning I decided to come over myself.”

“Glad you did,” said Tom, heartily. “Did Professor Bumper want us to do anything special, now that it is certain his rival will be so close on his trail?”

“Yes, he asked me to warn you to be careful



what you did and said in reference to the expedition.”

“Then does he fear something?” asked Ned.

“Yes, in a way. I think he is very much afraid this young Beecher will not only be first on the site of the underground city, but that he may be the first to discover the idol of gold. It would be a great thing for a young archaeologist like Beecher to accomplish a mission of this sort, and beat Professor Bumper in the race.”

“Do you think that’s why Beecher decided to go on the same steamer we are to take?” asked Ned.

“Yes, I do,” said Mr. Damon. “Though from what Professor Bumper said I know he regards Professor Beecher as a perfectly honorable man, as well as a brilliant student. I do not believe Beecher or his party would stoop to anything dishonorable or underhand, though they would not hesitate, nor would we, to take advantage of every fair chance to win in the race.”

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