Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“How are we going to make the trip?” asked Ned, as they sat at supper, the first night after their arrival, eating of several dishes, the red-pepper condiments of which caused frequent trips to the water pitcher.

“We can go in two ways, and perhaps we shall find it to our advantage to use both means,” said Professor Bumper. “To get to this city of Kurzon,” he proceeded in a low voice, so that none of the others in the dining-room would hear them, “we will have to go either by mule back or boat to a point near Copan. As near as I can tell by the ancient maps, Kurzon is in the Copan valley.

“Now the Chamelecon river seems to run to within a short distance of there, but there is no telling how far up it may be navigable. If we can go by boat it will be much more comfortable. Travel by mules and ox-carts is slow and sure, but the roads are very bad, as I have heard



from friends who have made explorations in Honduras.

“And, as I said, we may have to use both land and water travel to get us where we want to go. We can proceed as far as possible up the river, and then take to the mules.”

“What about arranging for boats and animals?” asked Tom. “I should think — — ”

He suddenly ceased talking and reached for the water, taking several large swallows.

“Whew!” he exclaimed, when he could catch his breath. “That was a hot one.”

“What did you do?” asked Ned.

“Bit into a nest of red pepper. Guess I’ll have to tell that cook to scatter his hits. He’s bunching ‘em too much in my direction,” and Tom wiped the tears from his eyes.

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