Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders



of the interests of Tom and his father. The two were inventors and proverbially poor business men, though they had amassed a fortune.

“Your financial affairs are all right, Tom,” said Ned. “I have just been going over the books, and I’ll submit a detailed report later.”

The telephone bell rang and Tom picked up the instrument from the desk. As he answered in the usual way and then listened a moment, a strange look came over his face.

“Well, this certainly is wonderful!” he exclaimed, in much the same manner as when he had finished reading the article about the idol. “It certainly is a strange coincidence,” he added, speaking in an aside to Ned while he himself still listened to what was being told to him over the telephone wire.



Chapter 2



“WHAT’S the matter, Tom? What is it?” asked Ned Newton, attracted by the strange manner of his chum at the telephone. “Has anything happened?”

But the young inventor was too busy listening to the unseen speaker to answer his chum, even if he heard what Ned remarked, which is doubtful.

“Well, I might as well wait until he is through,” mused Ned, as he started to leave the room. Then as Tom motioned to him to remain, he murmured: “He may have something to say to me later. But I wonder who is talking to him.”

There was no way of finding out, however, until Tom had a chance to talk to Ned, and at present the young scientist was eagerly listening to what came over the wire. Occasionally Ned could hear him say:

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