Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

Once more Ned composed himself to sleep, and this time successfully, for he did not have any more unpleasant dreams. The quiet of the jungle settled down over the camp, at least the comparative quiet of the jungle, for there were always noises of some sort going on, from the fall of some rotten tree limb to the scream or growl of a wild beast, while, now and again, from the river came the pig-like grunts of the alligators.

It was about two o’clock in the morning, as they ascertained later, when the whole camp —



white travelers and all — was suddenly awakened by a wild scream. It seemed to come from one of the natives, who called out a certain word ever and over again. To Tom and Ned it sounded like:

“Oshtoo! Oshtoo! Oshtoo!”

“What’s the matter?” cried Professor Bumper.

“The vampires!” came the answering voice of Jacinto. “One of the Indians has been attacked by a big vampire bat! Look out, every one! It may be a raid by the dangerous creatures! Be careful!”

Notwithstanding this warning Ned stuck his head out of the tent. The same instant he was aware of a dark enfolding shadow passing over him, and, with a shudder of fear, he jumped back.



Chapter 12



“WHAT is it? What’s the matter?” cried Tom springing from his cot and hastening to the side of his chum in the tent. “What has happened, Ned?”

“I don’t know, but Jacinto is yelling something about vampires!”


“Yes. Big bats. And he’s warning us to be careful. I stuck my head out just now and I felt that same sort of shadow I felt this evening when we were down near the river.”

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