Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“It’s a snake — a great boa!” gasped Tom. “It has him in its coils. But it is wound around the trees, too. That alone prevents it from crushing the professor to death.

“Ned, be ready with your rifle. Put in the heaviest charge, and watch your chance to fire!”

The great, ugly head of the boa reared itself up from the coils which it had, with the quickness of thought, thrown about the man between the two trees. This species of snake is not poisonous, and kills its prey by crushing it to death, making it into a pulpy mass, with scarcely a bone left unbroken, after which it swallows its meal. The crushing power of one of these boas, some of which reach a length of thirty feet, with a body as large around as that of a full-grown man, is enormous.

“I’m going to fire!” suddenly cried Tom. He had seen his chance and he took it. There was the faint report — the crack of the electric rifle — and the folds of the serpent seemed to relax.



“I see a good chance now,” added Ned, who had taken the small charge from his weapon, replacing it with a heavier one.

His rifle was also discharged in the direction of the snake, and Tom saw that the hit was a good one, right through the ugly head of the reptile.

“One other will be enough to make him loosen his coils!” cried Tom, as he fired again, and such was the killing power of the electric bullets that the snake, though an immense one, and one that short of decapitation could have received many injuries without losing power, seemed to shrivel up.

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