Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

“Maybe Tom Swift, the great know-it-all, can help you finish your sub, Chilcote,” Dansitt sneered.

Tom remained grimly silent. The last thing in the world he intended to do was aid these ruthless men in any way toward furthering their evil plans!

“A good idea,” Chilcote said. “But we’ll postpone it until after our next raid.”

“Okay,” said Dansitt.

Tom was curious about the diabolic way these men were flaunting the maritime law. “You can’t get away with this much longer,” he warned them. “The United States Navy is on your trail.”

Dansitt grimaced. “The Navy will never catch up with us!” Then he added, “I’ll even let you in on this next job. The Falcon is steaming north not far from here.

She’s carrying a fortune in diamonds in her safe.”


As he was saying this, Jennig frowned and Tom noticed that the lawyer was apprehensive.

“Don’t you think we’d better clear out right away?” Jennig said. “Maybe we’re trying to stretch our luck too far letting just Wesman raid that safe.”

Dansitt gestured with his hands. “How can we lose? We’re already using Tom Swift’s plane and we’ll take the jetmarine on this job!”

So Chilcote was piloting Tom’s stolen jet! And he had rigged a pulsator in it!

Now they were going to use his submarine, too, in their criminal work.

Dansitt ordered the boys to get up and the three pirates roughly pushed them along until they came to a heavy barred aluminum door. Jennig opened it. Tom and Bud were shoved inside and their handcuffs removed. Then the door was closed. Jennig locked it and pocketed his bunch of keys.

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