Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

“Mr. Jennig,” he said, “you may be shrewd on legal angles, but you’re obviously on the losing end in this pirate deal.”

“What are you getting at, Swift?” the other retorted, eying the youth suspiciously. “A double cross? Nonsense! I know when I’m well fixed.”



“You think you are,” Tom replied coolly. “But don’t forget your pals have my jet and sub.”

“What of it?” asked Jennig with a scowl.

Tom pursued his point quickly. “Dansitt and Chilcote realize the United States authorities have found out their method of attack and are hot on their trail.


“Don’t hand me that stuff,” Jennig interrupted, giving a harsh laugh. “We’ve got those authorities completely bamboozled!”

Tom looked the lawyer straight in the eye. “Maybe your two cronies aren’t as sure of that, though. They could easily make their getaway in my plane and sub with the haul of diamonds-including your share-and leave you in the lurch here.”

As Jennig glared at him, Tom continued:

“Then, while they’re safe in some new hideout, you’ll have to take the punishment for the robberies and kidnapings all by yourself.”

“You’re crazy!” shrilled Jennig. “Dansitt and Chilcote need me. They’d be in a fine pickle if I-”

“You mean,” Tom broke in, leading him on, “if you weren’t along to get them out of trouble?”

“Sure.” The lawyer’s voice rose. “They’d have been nabbed long ago if I hadn’t been around. I’ve got enough on those two-”

He stopped abruptly, aware that he was admitting too much, and said smoothly:

“Don’t concern yourself about my welfare, Swift. Better start worrying about your own.”

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