Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

“Just the same I hate to have those drawings in such a person’s hands,” Tom replied. “I was stupid to leave them here in plain sight,” he chided himself.

Sandy, quiet for the past minute, longed for action. “Why don’t we let the bloodhounds out and see if they can pick up the thief’s trail?”

“Good idea. He’s probably still picking his way through the woods to the side road,” Tom said.


Running quickly across the lawn, Tom and Sandy reached the kennels. The dogs set up a furious noise, welcoming their owners. Tom unfastened the gate, and after leashing them, led the bloodhounds to the terrace. They sniffed about for a couple of minutes without picking up the stranger’s scent. Then suddenly they started off in excited pursuit, their noses to the ground.

Tom and Sandy were soon running at top speed to keep pace xvith the racing bloodhounds, who now pulled wildly at their leashes. In a short while brother and sister were plunging after the dogs into the dark woodland near their home. Tom beamed his powerful flashlight through the gloom as the hounds, alternately baying and sniffing, led him and Sandy in a zigzag route among trees and thickets.

“This is like trying to find a piece of a fractured atom,” Sandy sighed.

“Guess you’re right, Sis,” Tom said, then exclaimed, “Listen! I hear someone!”

As the dogs increased their fearful yelps, Tom thrust his leash into Sandy’s hand and dashed ahead. No doubt about it, the fugitive was only fifty yards ahead, crashing through the undergrowth. Foot by foot, Tom gained on the fleeing man.

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