Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

“Yes. Our dispatcher says he does a lot of flying-long trips at times,” Tom answered. “He might even work the secret pulsator that we think causes the blackouts among the ship’s passengers!”


“Hold on, Tom,” his father warned. “That’s a big job for a science student.”

“I’ll bet college is just a cover-up for Sidney Dansitt,” Tom declared. “Dad, I wonder if the pirates’ pulsator is like the one I’m experimenting on for the government.”

“I hope not,” the elder scientist said. “That’s top secret.”

“It gives me an idea, anyway,” said Tom. “Not long ago I figured out a distorter that could neutralize my pulsator. If the distorter could be used against the pirates’ plane, their blackout technique might be effectively stopped.”

“A large order, Tom,” his father said, but his own eyes showed as much excitement about the idea as his son’s. “Where would you mount the distorter?

On ships which the authorities might suspect would be attacked?”

“No, Dad. That would mean either building several distorters or always moving the one machine from ship to ship. I believe I’ll put it on the jetmarine.”

Tom went on to say that he could then act as a convoy for a freighter which might be a likely victim. When the invaders’ plane swooped over the ship, he could stop its blackout ray by neutralizing the pulsator. As the pirates boarded the supposedly helpless freighter, they would be faced by armed men, probably Marines, not unconscious passengers and crew members.

“An excellent plan,” Mr. Swift said enthusiastically.

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