Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

The young inventor left then, asking to be notified the instant work was completed on the jetmarine. In the meantime, he would check up on Sidney Dansitt.

Returning to his jeep, he headed for the recently completed three-story laboratory building. Tom braked the car at the elevator shaft, nicked the lift combination, and drove aboard. Three floors up, at his lab level, he propelled the jeep onto the silent conveyor belt and whisked down the corridor of the quarter-mile-long plant wing. Using the automatic parker at the entrance to his private lab, Tom moved the jeep off the belt.

Going at once to the telephone, Tom put in a call to Grandyke University, where Dansitt was registered. He asked to speak with Dean Allsopp, whom he knew well.

“Hello, Tom,” the man said cordially. “When are you and your dad coming out to lecture to our science classes again and tell what you’re doing-or is it all top secret?”

“Most of it,” Tom replied. “But thank you for the invitation. I was phoning to get a little information, Dean Allsopp. It’s about a graduate student named 32 TOM SWIFT AND HIS JETMARINE

Sidney Dansitt.” Tom gave the dean a quick resume of his suspicions.

“Another complaint!” the dean exclaimed. “That’s all I’ve heard about Dansitt lately. Confidentially, we’re thinking of asking him to leave Grandyke.”

“Would you mind telling me why?” Tom asked, interested at once.

“No, I don’t mind,” Dean Allsopp replied. “Dansitt’s wild. Besides, he comes and goes as he pleases, taking trips away from here for three and four days at a time.”

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