Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

“Sure thing.”

The two boys leaped into the jeep and Bud drove at top speed to the field while Tom pulled on boots and put on the helmet he kept in the car.



“Even if Dansitt did get pictures of the sub,” Bud remarked, “what good would they do him?”

“It’s not the sub,” Tom replied. “The distorter’s in full view. That gives away my secret. If Dansitt is the pilot who works the blackout pulsator-”

“I get you, chief,” Bud said. “It’s a mean twist. But maybe you’re giving Sidney credit for more brains than he has.”

Reaching the field, Tom was told by the dispatcher that Dansitt had not landed nor asked for clearance.

“Then maybe he’s not coming down. In that case I’m going to try to find him!”

Tom declared. “Ask to have a small job ready for me, will you?” he requested, dashing down the tower steps.

In a few minutes one was rolled out. At this instant he saw Dansitt’s plane winging past the hills northeast of the field. Tom quickly swung himself into the plane. Using the twin rocket assists, the excited pilot made a short run and streaked off after the other plane.

Within a minute he was flying abeam of it. As Dansitt sneered at him, Tom signaled the pilot to land. In reply, Dansitt shook his fist. Then, without warning, he threw his stick forward and went into a screeching dive. Flying level a few feet off the ground, he headed straight for a large red barn.

“You fool, you’ll kill yourself!” Tom muttered.

Dansitt hopped the barn deftly and disappeared up a narrow valley. Tom hung on his tail. For a few minutes they followed a sparkling stream, then headed toward a low mountain. Nearing it, Dansitt

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