Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

“Hello, Tom!” his excited voice began. “I just overheard something you should know!”

“What is it?” Tom urged.

“It’s about Sidney Dansitt,” Fletcher said. “He returned here a little while ago.

I was off duty and


thought I’d watch him. The first thing he did was go to a phone and call a New York number. The name he mentioned sounded like ‘Chilcote,’ but I’m not sure. Dansitt said, Tve got the shots of the Swifts’ new sub.’ “

Tom gasped. “Go on!” he urged.

“Then he told the fellow that he would leave immediately for New York with them. He took off about five minutes ago. I’d sure like to see you beat him to the punch. He’s one guy I can’t stand!” Fletcher concluded.

Tom told him about the blank roll of film and added, “Which field did Dansitt give as his destination?”

“Base Three for private planes,” the dispatcher answered.

“Okay. Thanks a lot.”

Tom hung up and told Bud of the latest development. “Chilcote may be one of the pirates,” he added excitedly. “I’m going to try beating Dansitt to New York in the fastest jet we have. You stand by here for word from Kane, will you?”

“I’ll eat and sleep in this spot,” Bud agreed, and added that he would notify Tom’s family of his departure.

As Tom quickly put on his leather flying jacket he asked Bud to telephone the field to have a plane warmed up for him.

“Okay,” the copilot replied as Tom dashed from the laboratory.

By the time he reached the field, the jet was ready 58 TOM SWIFT AND HIS JETMAR1NE

for flight. Positive that he could overtake Dansitt, Tom soon had the craft in a vertical climb. When he gained enough altitude, he leveled off and headed for Manhattan.

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