Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship

Tom turned to Chow. “I have you to thank for


thwarting our enemies’ latest plot against us,” he said.

The cook beamed, then became angry. “Let me get my hands on that sneakin’ frog of a man!” He started out the door.

“That won’t be necessary,” Tom said, grabbing Chow’s arm. “The authorities will take care of him.”

Tom, accompanied by his father, Ames, and Chow, went to the room where the visitor was being detained. After the Swifts had revealed to him how much they knew, the man finally confessed that he was Marvin Hein. He had been on Fearing Island once before and installed the relay circuit in Tom’s first rocket ship.

“But this is all I will admit,” Hein continued. “I am pledged not to betray my leader!”

“Do you mean your country-as well as your leader?” Tom asked.

“I mean only my leader-Rotzog!” Hein replied. “He is the world’s greatest scientist. He will build the first space platform and rule the world. Nobody can stop him!”

“Except Tom Swift Jr.!” exclaimed Chow, who was gloating over his part in the affair. “Tom’s goin’ to be the first fellow to get up among them planets an’ win that there world-wide rocket race. An’ nobody’s goin’ to stop him!”

Hein lapsed into stony silence and was removed to the mainland to be held on suspicion.

“But where Rotzog and his rocket are hidden still remains a secret,” Tom told his father.


“Don’t be discouraged,” Mr. Swift advised. “I’d say all the breaks so far have been on your side. They’ve failed to hold anyone from your group and you’ve captured five of their men!”

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